Online Notepad - free at Fnote.me
fNote.me is your online notepad on the web. It allows you to store notes on the GO without having to Login. You can use a rich text editor, sort notes by date or title and make notes private. Best of all - fnote is a fast, clean, simple to use and FREE online web notepad.
FNote APK for Android - Download - Softonic
FNote is a free Android app developed by Notas Notepad that serves as a comprehensive folder notes app. As the name suggests, it allows users to create folders and sub-folders to organize their notes.
User Manual - FNote
Introducing Foreign Note (FNote), a mobile application with the ultimate goal to improve the experience of learning a new language. That is, to make note taking more convenient and easier than before.
Freedom. By allowing users to mix inputs including keyboard, handwriting, voice, doodle and camera, FiiNote eliminates the limit for your expression
Free online notebook - Virtual Notebook
Online Notebook is the fastest way to pull up an online notebook quickly to store, view, edit and share notes online with anyone. No login or email is required! Just start typing, and you'll see a URL to pull up your notes on any device at any time.
Notes - Notepad, Notebook - Apps on Google Play
2024年8月28日 · Notes - Notepad, Notebook is a simple and quick note application. You can create quick notes containing text, images, checklists, voice recording and music. Record ideas, notes, emails, to-do...
glushchenko/fsnotes: Notes manager for macOS/iOS - GitHub
FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. Markdown-first. Also supports any plaintext files. Fast and lightweight. Works smoothly with 10k+ files. Access anywhere. Sync with iCloud Drive or Dropbox. Multi-folder storage. Keyboard-centric. nvalt -inspired controls and shortcuts. Syntax highlighting within code blocks.
Online Notepad - Take Notes and Share Notes Online
aNotepad.com is your everyday online notepad. You can take notes and share notes online without having to login. You can use a rich text editor and download your note as PDF or Word document. Best of all - aNotepad is a fast, clean, and easy-to-use notepad online.
ColorNote – Best Notepad & Notes App
ColorNote is simple and easy to use. In any situation, you can quickly create notes and lists. Write all the things you need in one place, from short notes to longer documents. Learn more
Coconote: AI note taker
Instantly turn your lecture into organized notes, flashcards, quizzes, podcasts, and more. Coconote helps you improve your grade by using AI that doesn't break your University's honor …