User Manual - FNote
Introducing Foreign Note (FNote), a mobile application with the ultimate goal to improve the experience of learning a new language. That is, to make note taking more convenient and easier than before.
Online Notepad - free at Fnote.me
fNote.me is your online notepad on the web. It allows you to store notes on the GO without having to Login. You can use a rich text editor, sort notes by date or title and make notes private. Best of all - fnote is a fast, clean, simple to use and FREE online web notepad.
FNote APK for Android - Download
FNote is a free Android app developed by Notas Notepad that serves as a comprehensive folder notes app. As the name suggests, it allows users to create folders and sub-folders to organize their notes.
bdaralan/FNote: Foreign Note Card - GitHub
Foreign Note Card – an iOS companion app for language learners. FNote is built for language learners who are starting to learn new languages and want to quickly write down new words or phrases they learn. Available on App Store. Support Dynamic Type which adapts to user's font-scale preference.
Free online notebook - Virtual Notebook
Online Notebook is the fastest way to pull up an online notebook quickly to store, view, edit and share notes online with anyone. No login or email is required! Just start typing, and you'll see a URL to pull up your notes on any device at any time.
Apple生态下的开源笔记 - FSNotes - 哔哩哔哩
FSNote是一款支持 macOS 和 iOS 的开源笔记软件。 官方列出了以下主要特点. Markdown 优先,支持纯文本和 RTF 文件 轻量流畅,10k+文件仍然运行良好 iCloud Drive 或 Dropbox 同步(任何同步盘) 多文件夹存储 操作以键盘为中心,快捷键启发自nvALT 自适应双窗格视图,可选垂直或水平排布 外部编辑器支持,无缝实时同步 支持超过 170 种编程语言的代码高亮 支持行内图像 支持标签 支持笔记跳转 [ [双方括号]] 支持固定笔记 支持笔记快捷复制到剪贴板 黑暗模式 AES-256 …
多种编辑器,大量组件封装,一键拖曳绘图,让记录更轻松,更自由。 高效写作&笔记的神器。 无需下载,打开网页就能编辑,内容实时保存,云端同步,无惧断网。 文档一键分享,多端查看,实时同步更新,团队协作更高效。
2023年9月9日 · //给单据头,备注赋值,你好 this.View.Model.SetValue("FNote", "你好"); //获取备注FNote的值,并强制转换成字符串.ToString() string FNote = this.View.Model.GetValue("FNote").ToString();
FSNotes 5.0 现代笔记应用最新更新 - 知乎
FSNotes 5 是一款支持macOS和iOS的现代笔记管理应用,FSNotes 可以使用MardDown格式轻松编写文档,速度也挺快,数据可以通过iCloud同步。 FSNotes 采用先进的Swift语言编写,目前在GitHub开源,你可以免费进行下载,也可以在AppStore上购买用来打赏开发团队。 FSNotes 5 是目前新发布的大版本,目前经历了一次大的重写,有大量的改进和新功能. 在MathJax扫描器中增加了$。 增加了将笔记列表行拖到外面的功能(链接格式)。 除此之外,还有50多个Bug进行了 …
//显示出来,显示到备注上面,赋值给备注. //this.View.Model.SetValue("FNote", FormTitle); //获取单据内码,并转换成字符串.ToString() //string FormTitle = this.View.Model.DataObject["Id"].ToString(); //显示出来,显示到备注上面,赋值给备注. //this.View.Model.SetValue("FNote", FormTitle); //获取单据内码,并转换成字符串.ToString() //string FormTitle = this.View.Model.GetPKValue().ToString(); //显示出来,显示到备注上面,赋值给备注.
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