No Surname in my passport, But my visa got approved on F1
2023年5月5日 · FNU (abbreviation of "first name unknown") is printed on a US visa if the passport does not identify a separate first/given name and last/family name. Having FNU on your visa is generally fine for: entering the US; studying as an F-1 student; However, having FNU on your visa may cause difficulties with agencies that use SAVE, including:
Buying an airplane ticket for someone without a last name/surname
2023年9月27日 · The 2023-2024 Airline Industry Reservations Interline Message Procedures (archive link) issued by the IATA specify that you should write your passenger's name as the last name and use "FNU" (standing for “First Name Unknown”) in place of the first name. It also states that honorifics are no longer part of the official standard.
Booking tickets to the US from India with a single name
2022年5月9日 · Indeed, FNU is what you should put down. Here's a tweet as an example from Westjet: If you have no surname you would put all given names in the last name field and "FNU" in the first name field. Happy booking! Etihad has this to say on booking policies: Enter the given name in the last name field and enter the given name as FNU (First Name Unknown)
US Tourist Visa, different name on passport and visa
2019年3月29日 · The visa will be issued as follows: Given Name: FNU; Surname: Happy Traveler. If the passport contains only the surname of the holder and not a given name as in the following example: Given Name: blank; Surname: Happy Traveler. The visa will be issued as follows: Given Name: FNU; Surname: Happy Traveler
How to book a United Airlines ticket if my passport doesn't have a …
2021年4月17日 · For US Visa puporses, it looks like you need to use your single name as "last name" and FNU as first name. FNU means "first name unknow".
usa - Old Passport with US Visa FNU - Travel Stack Exchange
2016年8月24日 · I need to apply for new passport and I am planning to get my given name and the surname correct in the new passport. My questions are: Will I have problems travelling to US if my new passport says my given name as "my first name" and surname as "My last name" but my valid visa on old passport says given name as FNU and Surname as "my first name"
visas - In which countries are the visitor's first name and last name ...
The following is US specific, but I think this is followed the world over. If you ever got to apply for a US visa and in case you don't have a first name or a last name, the US consulate will consider your entire name as your last name and mention FNU (First Name unavailable) in …
Error in name on passport and visa? - Travel Stack Exchange
If you have only one name or if your name appears in only one line in your passport, then on the visa your full name will only be printed in the surname field and "First Name Unknown", or "FNU," will be printed in the given name field.
How to apply for UK visa with First Name Unknown?
2020年2月28日 · In the place of first name, simply put a '-'. A similar issue was discussed here and commentators have had success with putting '-' in the box for last name, similarly people have put N/A or other statements to indicate there is no last name for the applicant have also been successful. Please see below for one such example:
Name change from AA BB, FNU in US Visa to BB,AA
2017年4月13日 · I gave the name similarly in US Visa application [F1]. But the concerned officer at Visa Application Center rightly told me that they go by the name in passport and surname is mandatory to issue US Visa. She suggested me to make a correction to the name in visa application as surname "AA BB" and first name "FNU" [First Name Unavailable].