Video: How to Install Rigid Foam Insulation Outside a House
2010年1月6日 · 1. Use bug screens and flashing below the foam. Many builders protect foam sheathing from insects by wrapping the bottom edge with strips of window screen. We take a belt-and-suspenders approach to air-sealing by backing up the screen with a sheet-metal drip edge.
Can I add foam insulation to the inside of a wall instead of exterior ...
2010年11月22日 · Chris, If you strap over the foam, then electrical boxes can be moved out to the strapping. The strapping, holding the foam board tight to the studs, allows blowing dense-pack cellulose through holes cut in the foam which are then sealed with the cutout plugs and canned foam or foil tape if the foam is foil-faced.
Which way should the foil facing on polyiso rigid foam face?
2017年12月16日 · As Dana explained, the foil facing on rigid foam has the effect of raising the R-value of an adjacent air space if there is an adjacent air space. It doesn't matter which side of the air space (or the foam board) is the "hot" side for this to work. R-value is R-value -- …
Tips for Cutting Rigid Foam Insulation - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2015年7月6日 · The foam for the roof valley was cut with a bevel for a tight fit and as a bonus this also resulted in offset seams (however, I did have to first handcut the full sheet using a fine tooth saw). I designed the corners of the house to use 2x4's that float on a channel in the foam and screw through to the inner frame and so the foam corner had to ...
Installing Rigid Foam Above a Concrete Slab
2019年1月11日 · I used spray foam to fill gaps between the floor foam and the concrete wall. My first layer of 7/16" OSB butts to the vent material. My first layer of wall foam (2-in. EPS Type 1 - 1 lb/ft³ so maybe I have Type 2?) sets on the 1/2-in. vent material. The second layer of wall foam sets on the first layer of 7 /16" OSB.
Walls With Interior Rigid Foam - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2015年3月27日 · Interior foam board seems like a great solution for remodeling dilemmas where exterior foam isn't a practical option, but I'm still unsure how the exterior should look, for this to be a safe assembly. I can think of my 1950's house with …
Wall Sheathing Options - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2015年11月20日 · For the past 30 years, the majority of new homes in the U.S. have been built with wood-framed walls sheathed with oriented strand board (OSB). Most builders are so comfortable with OSB wall sheathing that they never consider using an alternative material. In fact, a wide range of materials can be used to sheathe a wood-framed wall. In addition to …
Rigid Foam Insulation - GreenBuildingAdvisor
Key differences are R-value per inch, water resistance, compressive strength, permeability to water vapor, facings, and of course, cost. All foam insulation products are petroleum-derived. Rigid foam sheets are sold in several thicknesses; most lumberyards carry insulation ranging from 1/2 in. to 2 in. thick.
How to Install Rigid Foam Sheathing - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2011年9月30日 · Using rigid foam on the walls of a new home. If you are building a new home, there are two basic ways to install rigid foam on the exterior of a wall: The foam can either be attached directly to the studs, or the walls can be conventionally sheathed with OSB or plywood before the foam is installed.
Rigid foam over existing drywall? - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2017年7月27日 · I'm planning on converting half my garage to living space, and I would like to add three inches of rigid foam insulation and another layer of drywall over the existing drywall. The walls are 2x4 on 16" centers with fiberglass batt insulation, plywood sheathing (or possibly OSB), house wrap, and vinyl cladding.