FOCI 2 - Productivity Wearable
One of the most coherent, intuitive and coolest wearables. Gives you insights into your moods and focus like never before. Great job FOCI! The rhythm sound helps to remind to focus & …
FOCI - Ultimate Productivity Tool
Clip to your waist, FOCI gets you to know every focus, distraction, stress, fatigue during work and study, and helps you cut short distractions, with gentle vibration.
Work Smart. - FOCI 2
Learn to build ‘if’ trigger and ‘then’ response with the most well researched psychological technique. Cope with fatigue and stress more effectively with added emotion awareness and …
Red Dot Design Award: FOCI 2
The FOCI 2 is a wearable device to be worn attached at the waistline. During a work session it reads the breathing and other physiological features to show six types of emotional states. …
FOCI 测评-用于减少分心的可穿戴设备 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
设置后,FOCI需要2到3天的时间才能“了解您”并学习您的 呼吸模式,以便提供准确的测量结果。 每天的表现以线形图的形式表示:该线表示当天的累计专注水平。 选择一个日期以查看专注 …
【2021 红点奖】FOCI 2 / 提高工作效率的设备 - 普象网
2021年7月23日 · The FOCI 2 is a wearable device to be worn attached at the waistline. During a work session it reads the breathing and other physiological features to show six types of …
foci是通过使用者肚子的起伏直接测量出呼吸,通过对呼吸数据的测算间接反映出学习效率。 而它的帮助改善、提升专注状态,也就是反过来利用这个原理,通过帮助调整你的呼吸,稳定的提 …
FOCI | Wearable that Boosts your Focus by Tinylogics - Kickstarter
2022年5月24日 · FOCI helps you improve focus in exactly the same way your personal trainer builds your muscles. It knows your potential by analyzing past records, and sets dynamic …
【2021 红点奖】FOCI 2 / 提高工作效率的设备 - 普象网
2021年8月16日 · FOCI 2 is a wearable tracker which includes an app providing information about the wearer’s emotional state by analysing diaphragmatic breathing. The purpose of this …
Red Dot Design Award: FOCI 2
FOCI 2 is a wearable tracker which includes an app providing information about the wearer’s emotional state by analysing diaphragmatic breathing. The purpose of this technology is to find …