Fokker 100 - Wikipedia
The Fokker 100 is a regional jet that was produced by Fokker in the Netherlands. The Fokker 100 was based on the Fokker F28 with a fuselage stretched by 5.7 m (18.8 ft) to seat up to 109 passengers, up from 85.
Fokker D.XXI (FR-110) - Finnish Air Force Museum
The Fokker D.XXI is a Dutch single-seat fighter of wood and metal construction. Its first flight took place in February 1936. Since the type was intended for the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, the design focused on the simplicity of the structure and maintainability in demanding conditions.
Fokker D.XXI (English)
In 1988, Fokker, in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Air Force, built a beautiful D.XXI replica, which can be admired in the NMM in Soesterberg. There are sections of the D.XXI in The Netherlands (with some videos), In German service, in Finland (with some videos) and in Denmark/Sweden. Click on the photo to enlarge the photo.
Fokker D.XXI - Wikipedia
The Fokker D.XXI fighter was designed in 1935 by Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker in response to requirements laid out by the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force (Militaire Luchtvaart van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger, ML-KNIL).
福克100 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
福克100 (Fokker 100)是由 福克公司 所製造的雙發動機中型窄體飛機。 由 福克F28 發展而來,是福克系列中載客量最多,機身最長的飛機。 福克100有著比 福克F28 更長的機身,但維持固有經濟艙3+2的客位佈局,設計團隊另外並為福克100重新設計的 后掠翼,而駕駛艙並以多功能顯示器玻璃座艙取代了傳統的指針式儀表。 福克100所採用的兩台發動機置於機身後段,與福克F28相同,均為 英國 勞斯萊斯 發動機公司的Tay Mk. 650-15渦輪扇發動機。 福克100的開發相當順 …
福克 100(Fokker 100)是由福克公司所制造的双发动机中型窄体飞机。 造型近似于MD-80/MD-90飞机。 于1980年代问世,由福克F28发展而来,是福克系列中载客量最多,机身最长的飞机。
Fokker D.XXI: A Northern Warrior Built for Combat in the Tropics
2023年9月11日 · Initially designed for use by the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, the Fokker D.XXI never actually fought in South-East Asia. Instead, its combat potential was realized in the short but intense campaign mounted by the Dutch military against the …
Finnish Air Force Museum - Fokker-history.com
The basic exhibit mainly consists of aircraft, engines and crew equipment used by the Finnish Air Force. A fully restored Fokker D.XXI is on display. It is a Finnish built Series III Mercury-Fokker, FR-110. This aircraft is also the highest scoring aircraft of all Fokker D.XXIs, with 10½ victories.
Aircraft Data FR-110, Fokker D.XXI C/N III/11
Everything you need to know about FR-110 (Fokker D.XXI C/N III/11) including aircraft data, history and photos
福克100是荷兰福克兰一联合航空技术公司研制的双发涡扇支线运输机。 1983年开始研制,1986年11月30日原型机首飞,生产型于1988年2月开始交付使用,至1993年6月,共收到订货245架,已交付使用160架。 另有意向订货114架。 单机价格2300万~2520万美元(1992年币值)。 由于该机是以比较成功的F 28“伙伴”运输机为原准机进行设计,所以福克一100运输机基本采用了原F.28 Mk400的机体(部分做了修改)结构,但大多零部件进行了重新设计,尽量采用玻璃纤维和 …
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