Fokker V.1 - Wikipedia
The Fokker V.1 was a small German sesquiplane experimental fighter prototype built in 1916 by the Fokker-Flugzeugwerke.
Fokker F.I - Wikipedia
The Fokker F.I (company designation V.5) was a prototype German fighter triplane design by Reinhold Platz of World War I. It was an improved version of the V.4 prototype triplane. For many decades, the V.5 was misidentified as the V.4.
Fokker F.I | This Day in Aviation
5 July 1917: First flight, the first of two Fokker Versuch 5 (V.5) triplane prototypes, designated F.1, serial number 102/17. The Fokker F.I was a prototype single-engine, single-seat triplane fighter, designed and built by Fokker Flugzeugwerke GmbH, Schwerin, Germany.
Fokker Aircraft of WWI: Volume 4 | V.1–V.8, F.I, & Dr.I (Great War ...
2021年11月26日 · Fokker Aircraft of WWI, Volume 4 V.1–V.8, F.I, & Dr.I is the story of Fokker’s renaissance after the failure of his early biplane fighter designs. Fokker became famous due to his Eindecker fighters; his early biplane fighters which followed were failures and brought Fokker to his lowest point.
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The history of Fokker and his airplanes. - Fokker-history.com
De Fokker V.serie liep van 1916 tot 1919 en werd grotendeels ontworpen door. Reinhold Platz, die in die tijd hoofdontwerper bij Fokker was. De ‘V’ heeft betrekking op ‘Verspanningslohs’, vrijdragend of zelfdragend. Bij de M.serie liepen er spandraden om de vleugel zijn sterkte te geven, bij de V.serie niet meer.
J.Herris, T.Phillips - Fokker Aircraft of WWI. Vol.4: V.1-V.8, F.I & Dr ...
The Fokker V.2 was a more powerful development of the V.1. Powered by the 160 hp Mercedes D.III engine, the larger and more powerful V.2 was built in March 1917, when testing also started. Originally the V.2 was known by its factory designation of D.IV, (work number 1539), but Fokker later changed its factory designation to V.2 to avoid ...
Fokker V.1
De Fokker V.1was een éénpersoons anderhalf-dekker gereed in december 1916. Het was uitgerust met een 100 pk Oberursel motor en bewapend met twee machinegeweren. De V.1 had geen rolroeren en door de gedrongen vorm kreeg het de bijnaam “Floh” (Vlo).
Category : Fokker V.1 - Wikimedia
Media in category "Fokker V.1" The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total. Anthony Fokker in de cockpit van de Fokker V.1 2161 026084.jpg 2,500 × 1,778; 442 KB
Fokker V.1 - In Detail / Written by Gerry Mos and Achim Engels
The V.1 is the ancestor of such famous fighters as the Fokker triplane, the Fokker D.VII or the Fokker E.V/D.VIII. The latter is the perfection of this highly interesting aircraft design. Our volume, prepared by Gerry Mos, shows the technology, gives background on …
Fokker V.1 - In Detail / Teaser version of full audio book
2024年11月20日 · Full and free German version: • Fokker V.1 - In Detail (vollständiges... The first comprehensive elaboration on this innovative Fokker aircraft from the end of 1916.