Fokker V17/V20/V23/V25 - flyingmachines.aviadejavu.ru
Fokker V20 monoplane prototype, work number 2219, was the inline-powered counterpart to the V17 rotary-powered prototype. The V20 was designed, built, and flown in the incredibly short time of 6 1/2 days during the First Fighter Competition. The Fokker V20 was the Mercedes-powered sibling of the Fokker V17.
J.Herris, J.Leckscheid - Fokker Aircraft of WWI. Vol.5: 1918 Designs ...
After the victory of Fokker’s new D.VII fighter in the First Fighter Competition, Austrian pilots were given the opportunity to fly the first prototype. Fokker wrote to the Austro-Hungarian Fliegerarsenal (Flars) as early as 19 February 1918 that he could deliver 40 D.VIIs a month to Austria if he could get the necessary quota of steel tubes.
The history of Fokker and his airplanes. - Fokker-history.com
De Fokker V.serie liep van 1916 tot 1919 en werd grotendeels ontworpen door. Reinhold Platz, die in die tijd hoofdontwerper bij Fokker was. De ‘V’ heeft betrekking op ‘Verspanningslohs’, vrijdragend of zelfdragend. Bij de M.serie liepen er spandraden om de vleugel zijn sterkte te geven, bij de V.serie niet meer.
Focke Wulf Fw 190 mit DB 609 | Plane-Encyclopedia
The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 mit DB 609 was a 1942 design venture to provide the Luftwaffe with a successor to the Fw 190 and its troublesome BMW 801 radial engine.
Fokker V27/V29/V37 - flyingmachines.ru
The Fokker V37 armored fighter prototype combined the configuration of the earlier Fokker E.V/D.VIII with a distinctive propeller spinner and a 195 hp Benz Bz.IIIb V-8 water-cooled engine. The entire forward fuselage of the Fokker V37 was armored with 2.5mm steel to protect the pilot, engine, and radiator from rifle-caliber ground fire.
福克公司 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
福克公司 (荷蘭文: Fokker)是 荷蘭 一間飛機製造商,以創辦人命名 [1]。 一戰期間,福克公司因為協助德國空軍改良戰鬥機而聞名。 一戰之後,福克公司進軍客機市場,曾經一度成為全球最大的客機製造商,甚至到美國開分公司。 二戰期間,福克公司的工廠被納粹德軍佔領,為德國空軍製造飛機。 二戰之後,福克公司集中精力研發客機,曾經一度復蘇。 但是最後都不敵實力強大的 波音 及同異軍突起的 空中巴士。 經過幾次成功的合併談判之後,1996年3月15號,阿姆斯特丹 …
Fokker V.9 - Wikipedia
The Fokker V.9 was part of a series of experimental aircraft which led up to the low-production D.VI fighter. The aircraft were very similar, varying in detail and power plants. The V.9 was powered by a 60 kW (80 hp) Oberursel U.O (later re-engined with a 110 hp Ur.II rotary) and first flew in December 1917; all others flew in 1918. [1]
Windsock International V19 N5 Scratchbuilt Gotha Flying Circus Fokker …
Windsock International MagazineVolume 19 Number 5 Sept/Oct. 2003Front Cover: Four Fokker DR.I ReposContents:Fokker Faux Pas! - New DR.I Book Examined Omaka's Flying Circus - Show Report New Zealand (C
Air International V19 N6 Fokker F27 Maritime Westland …
2023年8月9日 · Versatility Unlimited - Part Two Of The Boeing KC-135 Sratotanker Story. The Henschel Hs 129 - To The Personnel of the German Ministry of Aviation in Berlin it was der geflugelte Buchsenoffner - A Winged Can Opener - And When It Entered Service The Hs 129 Received Little Approbation From Luftwaffe Pilots.
J.Herris - Fokker Aircraft of WWI. Vol.6: Foreign Service …
These aircraft were accepted by the German Army on 4 November 1915 and were shipped from the Fokker factory the next day. The aircraft were flown in combat by Flik 4 as early as 12 November. Originally flown in German markings, they were soon designated as Fokker A.III 03.51 and 03.52 in Austrian service and marked accordingly.
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