Homepage | FoldX
The FoldX Suite builds on the strong fundament of advanced protein design features, already implemented in the successful FoldX3, and exploits the power of fragment libraries, by integrating in silico digested backbone protein fragments of different lengths.
Products | FoldX - CRG
The FoldX Suite. The FoldX Suite builds on the strong fundament of advanced protein design features already implemented in the oldest FoldX versions and integrates new capabilities: loop reconstruction (LoopX) and peptide docking (PepX). The Suite also features an improved usability thanks to a new boost Command Line Interface.
Manual | FoldX - CRG
FoldX 5.0 has been released, read more. The FoldX Suite features a brand new human writable-readable boost based command line interface. To work with foldx follow these advises: Add the binary location to PATH environment variable.
Stability | FoldX - CRG
Video example explaining how to run FoldX using Yasara Interface for Stability command
About | FoldX - CRG
The FoldX Suite includes several improvements over former versions of FoldX: New InterpretiX smart engine: Based on C++/Boost Command Line Interface; Encapsulation of different software packages; Unified Command Line Interface and executable to launch different modeling tools; Better error reporting of any problems with the command line
Licensing and Services | FoldX - CRG
If you want to use the FoldX Suite for commercial purposes, please contact us. We will advise you on the best package and license type to fit your needs. License Types. There are two types of Commercial Licenses: On-Site: The software is placed on a limited number of machines in a single Site and its use is limited to those machines.
The FoldX web server: an online force field. | FoldX - CRG
2013年11月22日 · Toggle navigation. Products . Technology Overview; The FoldX Suite; FoldX; LoopX; PepX; BackX; DnaX; InterpretiX
BuildModel | FoldX - CRG
Video example explaining how to run FoldX using Command Line Interface for BuildModel command
Download - Academic Licence | FoldX - CRG
2015年2月17日 · (Hereinafter, FoldX v.3, InterpretiX, LoopX, LoopXDB, PepX, PepXDB, BackXDB, ParamX and YasaraPG, jointly or separately, the “Software”). WHEREAS the LICENSORS have the right to and desire to license the Software so that it can become available for public use and benefit.
FoldX Academic License | FoldX - CRG
2015年2月18日 · FoldX Academic License. Submitted by Javi on Wed, 02/18/2015 - 11:08 . To proceed to the download page, you need to be registered and logged in.