Fomblin® PFPE Lubricants - syensqo
Fomblin® PFPE are fluorinated lubricants representing the best choice when aggressive chemical environments, high temperatures or wide working-temperature ranges are involved. They are engineered for those applications where heat, chemicals, solvents, corrosion, toxicity, flammability, and service life present lubrication problems.
Fomblin® Y HVAC fluid has been specially developed in order to combine narrow molecular weight range and controlled viscosity with an extremely low vapor pressure. Thus, they provide superior performance in high vacuum applications, especially systems exposed to …
Fomblin - 產品介紹 - Y A M A B A L A
Fomblin ® 潤滑脂是白色潤滑脂,抗氧化及抗化學特性特別顯著,對玻璃、金屬、橡膠彈性體、塑膠、陶瓷等可完全相容,即使在高、低溫差異大之範圍亦不會改變其性質。 Fomblin 潤滑脂可以在水、油、蒸氣及一般的有機化合物、溶劑內操作,不會發生水解、腐蝕、溶解或改變其性質之現象及良好的抗振動腐蝕。 Fomblin ® 潤滑脂針對低噪音及高腐蝕應用上的要求,特別添加可溶解之DA液體抗腐蝕添加劑。 一些配方合成可溶氟化添加劑,例如防銹必需的低噪音應用。 …
Fomblin® PFPE Lubricants Product Data Sheet If heat, chemicals, solvents, corrosion, toxicity, flammability, compatibility, service life are some of your lubrication problems, we have the solution: Fomblin ® PFPE lubricants. What Makes Fomblin® Lubricants Better? The following properties and characteristics of Fomblin ®
FOMBLIN - 岡良企業有限公司 - MOLYTOG
Fomblin Y系列是一個通用型規格,主要使用於嚴苛條件下高溫、高荷重,同時也是潤滑油及氟素油脂常見的基礎油。 在網路通訊領域應用上有良好潤滑性、撥水性、撥油性、柔軟性並在相關電子零組件有長久實績,此外,透過添加劑的強化,使得 Fomblin Y系列可用於需高防銹性能的應用領域中,包括:軸承、齒輪、渦輪機和可能與冷凝水蒸氣接觸的液體壓縮機的潤滑。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ …
Syensqo Specialty Polymers Fomblin Inert PFPE Fluid - Lesker
Fomblin ® Inert PFPE fluids are chemically inert compounds of perfluoropolyether (PFPE) chains. Among their many features, Fomblin ® Inert PFPE fluids are non-flammable, thermally stable, radioactively stable, high dielectric properties, and perform in both high and low temperatures.
Fomblin PFPE 系列潤滑油 - 岡良企業有限公司
Fomblin DA306 / VAC主要推薦用於Fomblin Y-LVAC液 ... 最先進PFPE、PTFE氟化聚合物技術,獨特的潤滑特性。 專門設計在嚴苛的工作環境。 延長機件使用壽命、成為高科技不可缺少的產品氟素潤滑油脂。
Fomblin® M 15 - Syensqo
Fomblin® M perfluoropolyether fluids have the following unique features: - Excellent viscosity index - Excellent low temperature torque values - Very good extreme pressure (EP) characteristics - Very low evaporative loss properties - Good thermal stability
聚醚醇-全氟聚醚衍生物添加剂-SOLVAY抗涂鸦助剂添加剂-索尔维 …
Fomblin ZMF-23是独特的专有全氟聚醚链,得益于C2和C1重复单元的灵活性,提供了无与伦比的拒水拒油性、高耐化学性、低摩擦性和柔软触感,最终转化为防指纹性能。
SOLVAY 索尔维润滑油脂_FOMBLIN全氟聚醚油现货供应_Lubpur超润
SOLVAY FOMBLIN 是索尔维公司的一种高性能润滑油品牌,主要成分是聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE) 和氧化硅。 它具有优异的抗化学性、抗氧化性和高低温稳定性。 FOMBLIN润滑油脂作为索尔维公司的一种产品,广泛应用于各种苛刻的环境中,如高负载,长时间等,作润滑用。