Fomblin / Krytox PFPE vacuum pump Fluid – Y25/6, 5 kg
Fomblin / Krytox PFPE vacuum pump Fluid The original and still the best PFPE vacuum pump fluid available. For oxygen pumping applications. Chemically inert and oxygen compatible. Other inert fluids also available. 23.10000.10 Fomblin Y25/6, 5 kg
Syensqo Specialty Polymers Fomblin Inert PFPE Fluid - Lesker
The presence of oxygen in Fomblin ® Inert PFPE fluids provides imparted flexibility to the polymer chain, excellent flow behavior at low temperatures, and a high viscosity index for linear PFPE’s. Due to the chemical inertness, Fomblin ® Inert PFPE fluids is compatible with plastic, metal, and elastomers, along with a low miscibility with ...
Kurt J. Lesker Company | Fomblin® Y PFPE Lubricants | Enabling ...
The availability of additivated Fomblin® PFPE fluids widens the range of applications for perfluorinated fluids and greases in fields demanding high anti-rust properties. These applications include lubrication of bearings, gears, turbine and liquid compressors that may be in contact with condensed water vapor.
Fomblin D2 5 KG/桶 - Lubpur
Fomblin D2 5 KG/桶 ,具有功能性羟基端基,可用于改性聚氨酯、酯类、环氧树脂和丙烯酸酯等聚合物材料。 Fomblin® D2 特别适合用作构建基块和聚合物改性剂,适用于需要兼具出色防水防油性、易于清除涂鸦和指纹、低摩擦、低折射率和高耐化学性的应用。
Syensqo Fomblin® YR 全氟聚醚潤滑油 Perfluoropolyether lubricant
Fomblin® Y潤滑脂是白色的均質化潤滑脂,抗氧化及抗化學特性特別顯著,再則,對玻璃、金屬、橡膠彈性體、塑膠、陶瓷等可完全相容,即使在高、低溫差異大之範圍亦不會改變其性質。
Edwards Fomblin® YVAC 06/6 fluid 5 kg (2660 ml) for Oil Sealed …
Buy Edwards Fomblin® YVAC 06/6 fluid 5 kg (2660 ml) for Oil Sealed Rotary Pumps and more from our comprehensive selection of Edwards Vacuum/Pressure Pumps Accessories from Cole-Parmer
苏威Fomblin YLVAC 意大利全氟聚醚真空泵油 25/6 16/6 06/6 氟油 HT200 5KG…
苏威Fomblin YLVAC 意大利全氟聚醚真空泵油 25/6 16/6 06/6 氟油 HT200 5KG/桶 未开封图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
Fomblin M 03 5 KG/桶 - Lubpur
Fomblin M 03 5 KG/桶 ,Fomblin M 03全氟聚醚流体是一种高性能润滑剂,专门设计用于在极端温度和严苛化学环境下提供卓越的性能。 它具有优异的热稳定性和化学惰性,出色的粘度指数和低温扭矩值、同时Fomblin M 03具有极佳的极压 (EP) 特性和极低的蒸发损耗特性,确保在高温、高压和腐蚀性环境中保持长久稳定的润滑效果。 原装进口,库存现货,价格优惠,库存齐全! 了解更多特种润滑油产品详情,欢迎致电:400-879-3341,Lubpur超润,超润贸易(上海)有限公 …
Fomblin M 60 RP 5 KG/桶 -Lubpur超润
Fomblin M 60 RP 5 KG/桶 ,Fomblin M 60 RP是一种高性能全氟聚醚(PFPE)润滑剂,专为在极端温度和恶劣化学环境中提供卓越的润滑效果而设计。Fomblin M 60 RP独特的化学结构赋予其出色的热稳定性和化学惰性,使其在严苛条件下依然能够提供持久稳定的润滑和保护。
FOMBLIN® Y VAC 06/6 5KG, H11301020
Home » Unknown Type » FOMBLIN® Y VAC 06/6 5KG, H11301020. Product Gallery. Accepted at Checkout. Last 5 Products Reviewed. FOMBLIN® Y VAC 06/6 5KG, H11301020. Price Each: Quantity: Price: $ 1,701.23 $ 2,378.06: Quantity: Add to Cart: Ask us a question; Details; Manuals and Documents; Accessories; Repair Kits ...