"What about you?" versus "How about you?" - English Language …
In point of usage, Ngrams shows a slight preference for What about you: COCA shows 770 instances of how about you, the vast majority of which are in the proper context (a few are in …
"You are" vs. "you're" — what is the difference between them?
You are is normally contracted to you're in speech, because English doesn't like two vowels without a consonant to separate them, and one of them gets deleted. Either you're or you are …
orthography - How do you write the short form of "you all"?
2013年2月1日 · It is pronounced just like it looks: "you all", with no contraction. Furthermore, "you" has come to function as both a singular and plural second-person pronoun. "You all" is …
Grammatically , when can we use "you is" instead of "you are"?
2019年9月10日 · There is a time where using "you is" is correct. That situation is when you are speaking about the actual word "you." For example, The definition of you is ‘a pronoun used to …
What is the difference between "What are you?" and "Who are …
2015年10月26日 · Who are you? This is typically asking for your name, but a particular context could indicate a different meaning. What are you? This question is very informal and bit odd. It …
How common is the usage of "yous" as a plural of "you"?
2016年10月24日 · You-uns (from you + ones) is a South Midland form most often found in uneducated speech; it is being replaced by you-all. Youse (you + the plural -s ending of …
What was the first use of the saying, "You miss 100% of the shots …
You can't score if you don't shoot. 1965 Glenn Warner, "Soccer Shot," in Soccer Anthology , edited by Alva C. Moore and Melvin R. Schmid ({Gainesville FL}: for the editors) 57: "Don't …
What is the difference between "... when are you..." and "... when …
2022年5月27日 · In Please let me know when you are available for a meeting. if "when you are available for a meeting" is nominal, you are asking for a reply now. If "when you are available …
Use "you" or "one" in formal writing? - English Language & Usage …
2013年8月23日 · When the stakes are high you are often tempted to cheat. You might prefer the former to the latter because the latter comes across as very accusatory. This is really the only …
grammar - If you were or if you are? - English Language Learners …
"If you were here 10 minutes ago, "The use of "were" can get more complicated ,the sentences below use the "were to" clause to indicate an element of uncertainty to the actions and …