Ford Escort ZX2 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
This topic is a continuation of Topic 11 on the Ford Escort ZX2, which is just appoaching 1,000 post. Only a few select topics in Town Hall ever reach the 1,000 mark, so congratulations to all who have put their energy and info into this discussion.
Ford Escort ZX2 Transmission Problems - Edmunds
99 ford escrot zx2.automatic its been acting weird like delayed on shift times. to start off i have to put it in low and get it hight enough and then hit it into D. this still takes a minute because it revs up high then clicks in and goes. If i start out in D its just …
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 27 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
I believe that is the name of the part that my 1999 ford escort zx2 requires, and the part number is F8CF-12B581-BD. Learn more about Ford Escort at the Edmunds.com Car Forums! Read real discussions on thousands of topics and get your questions answered.
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 31 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
2010年6月1日 · Hi, I have a '03 ford ZX2 which has leak in intake hose. Plus it has a leak in the coolant hose. My local mechanic has given a price of 332 + tax for labor + parts. Please let me know if this is a fair price. Thanks! Noop
Ford Escort ZX2 Starting Stalling and Idling Problems
I have a 98 ford escort zx2 and it wont idle. It turns on fine but wont stay running unless you give it gas. It also shutters when i try to drive it. I have replaced the spark plugs and wires, air filter, mass air flow sensor, and cleaned all the air lines and gas lines.
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 26 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Hello, I just bought a 98 ZX2 escort last week with 86000 miles on it. here is the problem: When i accelerate to upto 20-30 mph everything is normal, but when i try to accelerate further there is a sudden jerk, its almost like the car is about to stall. But the car just stutters for a second or two and then runs smooth.
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 29 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
The Ford dealer informed that it was a common problem with the ZX2's and would run anywhere from $500 to $1500. His recommendation was that I drive it until the noise was constant and then return for the repair.
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 13 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Someone was asking about the different ZX2s. Basic Information on almost all the ZX2s can be found on my web pages. The only exceptions being the first preproduction ZX2 which was a "Super ZX2" and a concept car. The other version I am still attempting to learn about is the quasi-Ford Official confirmed "2001 ZX2 s/r Limited".
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 20 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Odds are that the next ZX2 coupe from Ford will actually be a two-door Focus with a trunk. It is possible that it will first be built in the USA (actually Mexico) before it appears in Europe. Honda as well as Mitsubishi do this too. The Civic coupe is designed and built in USA, not even manufactured in Japan.
Ford Escort ZX2 - Page 30 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
2000 Ford Escort ZX2 Cranks but Won't Start (Solution to the Problem). Here is the answer for anyone who runs into the same problem. We took our ZX2 to a different Firestone in town (Recommended by the AAA tow-truck driver).