  1. Copilot 答案
    • Deforestation and desertification adversely affect agricultural productivity, the health of humans as well as of livestock, and economic activities such as eco-tourism. Forests and tree cover combat land degradati… 展开

    Forests as a link between climate, biodiversity and land degradation

    Forests are biologically diverse systems, however, forests are increasingly threatened … 展开

    Latin America and Caribbean (LAC): TPN 4: Proposal

    for the Regional Thematic Programme Network on Agroforestry and Combating Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Network is intended as a mechanism for t… 展开

    Biodiversity and climate change

    For a number of years the Conference of the Parties to the CBD has had, on its agenda the cross-cutting issue of biodiversity and climate change with a view to enhancing syn… 展开

    Protected areas and traditional and indigenous knowledge

    Actions to reduce deforestation are also promoted through the Convention’s programme of work on protected areas, which was adopted for the establishment and maintenanc… 展开


    “The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the Confer-ence of the Parties may adopt is to achieve, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the … 展开

    Contact information of the Rio Conventions

    Photo courtesy of François Girard “A single tree provides shelter for plants and animals, cycles nutrients through our soils, and stores carbon. Multiply that a million fold for what an entire fo… 展开