Forestville clocks - NAWCC Forums
2006年6月6日 · The "original" Forestville Clock Company as noted above was located in Forestville, Connecticut, operating in the 1830's onward. The "new" Forestville Clock Company was an importer operating after WW2 with offices in New York who brought in complete clocks from Germany with their name stamped on them.
Forestville Manufacturing Company, 8 day OG - NAWCC Forums
2007年2月11日 · CC, these clocks with the Forestville Clock Company label were made after the bankruptcy of the Forestville Manufactring Company for a short period before EN Welch took over the plant, about 1856 to 1858. JC brown would have been involved in their manufacture. I have an OG with one of these labels.
Forestville, Conn Clock Makers - NAWCC Forums
2012年11月10日 · Roberts & Taylor in Forestville Clockmakers suggest that this label is found in clocks sold during the prolonged bankruptcy proceedings of the Forestville Manufacturing Co during the late 1850s. Many of these clocks are found with E.N. Welch-stamped movements.
forestville clock, original - NAWCC Forums
2012年12月26日 · I can tell you what I find again in Roberts' Contributions of Joseph Ives to Connecticut Clock Technology, this on pp. 140-141. He pictures a similar clock which he attributes apparently to the early days of the Forestville Manufacturing Co. begun by Brown in 1835. Roberts does not give a date for it, but it has what appears to be the same label.
Forestville 8 day OG - NAWCC Forums
2018年2月4日 · Additionally, this second Forestville clock of mine is an exceptionally interesting anomaly (which I will eventually post separately for discussion) but it's actually a Sperry & Shaw with a Manross lyre movement, with a Forestville Manufact'g Co JC Brown label OVERPASTED over the Sperry label (this is the clock with the complete label with the ...
Cleaning/oiling old Forestville wall-clock movement... - NAWCC …
2011年7月4日 · Ok, well, first, you've underestimated the relative "simplicity" of clocks and repair. There are many ways you can easily render this clock junk. The safest and best practice to remove the mainspring is to use a letdown key and a clamp. The mainspring is wound up normally and a C-clamp (from a clock supplier) is placed over the mainspring.
Can't get Forestville anniversary clock pallets timed right
2022年7月14日 · The clock has been taken apart, cleaned, oiled and reassembled. The only other part I had to replace was the suspension spring, as per the Horolovar book. The main spring was opened, inspected and finding no rust or other obvious problems, was given a light coat of 3in1 oil and put back together.
Dating J.C.Brown / Forrestville clock | NAWCC Forums
2010年6月7日 · The first is Johnathan Clark Brown and the Forestville Manufacturing Company. On page 48, figure 40 shows a label very similar to yours, but from a 30 hour clock. The factory building depicted is the "new" factory. Look closely at the very bottom of the label to see if the printer is identified.
Forestville 400 day clock/Help - NAWCC Forums
2015年12月19日 · I bought a Forestville 12" 400 day clock that needed a suspension spring. I was unable to find out what size it needed so I first tried a .032. That didn't work, so I tried a .040 & it still only keeps time for a minute or two before slowing down too much to make it to the click point in either direction.
Forestville Clock Doesn't Strike & Run? - NAWCC Forums
2005年8月6日 · Just picked up this clock. It doesn't strike and run. From the pictures or experience, any solutions? Thanks. On the strike side there is a pulley. The wire is going under it. The strike works if you pull harder on the weight. I also noticed that when you pass the hour ther is no sound, so I do...