"New" S&W 10-5 2 inch | The High Road
2008年12月11日 · Yesterday I stopped by the shop to pick up a M638 Bodyguard out of layaway. As the form 4473 was headed my way I asked to look at a 10-5 2 inch (pinned) barrel sitting in …
"Straw purchase" questions... | Page 2 | The High Road
2004年6月19日 · http://www.atf.gov/forms/4473/page03.htm here is page 3 of the 4473 form. top left corner of the form gives examples of what a straw purchase is.
Form used for Interstate FFL transfer? (and other related info)
2009年3月18日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Is there some method of storing CCW handgun when entering …
2017年6月19日 · Leaving it with an FFL merely for "storage" means they cannot give it back to him, but must ship it to a dealer in Oklahoma. The OP would then have to complete a Form …
Straw Purchase? | The High Road
2012年11月15日 · I can't find exact legal verbiage for this, and might not interpret it correctly if I did. Exactly what is /is not a straw purchase? If person A gives person B money to buy a gun, …
Dumb registration question. | The High Road
2004年11月5日 · OK, I did a search, but as you can imagine, there are a few posts involving gun registration. When you buy a new rifle at Joe Schmuckatelli's Sporting Goods, they do the …
Is this OK or am I flirting with trouble... | The High Road
2010年5月13日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
How is this legal? | Page 2 | The High Road
2015年9月26日 · Intent, under the law normally requires "substantial steps" taken to complete the offense or commit elements of the office.
Gun Shows and Background Checks | The High Road
2007年4月12日 · THR Upgrade and Maintenance This Morning
Don't buy any more guns! | The High Road
2009年1月8日 · So why not? :what: Well it seems that so many folks have been buying guns that the BATF&E can't print #4473 forms fast enough to keep up.