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Muat Turun Borang - Lain-lain Borang - Lain-lain Borang
2022年3月2日 · Ibu Pejabat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia, Menara Hasil, Persiaran Rimba Permai, Cyber 8, 63000 Cyberjaya Selangor. HASiL Contact Centre
What is Borang CP38 | CP38 Form | CP 38 Deduction - QNE
2021年1月15日 · CP38 is an additional tax deduction order issued by LHDN specifically to an employer. This CP38 form regulation requires employers to make additional deductions in monthly installments from taxpayers ‘salaries (other than monthly tax deductions) against taxpayers’ income tax arrears.
What is CP38? | How to Pay CP38? | Income Tax CP38 | SQL Payroll
CP38 is an additional tax deduction issued by LHDN. CP38 requires the employer to make additional deductions in the form of monthly instalments from their employees’ salaries. This tax deduction is calculated based on the employees monthly taxable income.
Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia
The CP38 notification is issued to the employer as supplementary instructions to clear the balance of tax liability of employees over and above the Monthly Tax Deductions (MTD)
What is CP38? - SQL Account
CP38 is an additional tax deduction issued by LHDN, what you need to do if receive a CP38 Form from income tax Malaysia? How to make payment for CP38?
CP39 dan CP38: Apa yang Perlu Anda Tahu tentang PCB di Malaysia
Berkuat kuasa pada 1 September 2019, segala penyata CP39 perlu dibuat secara atas talian melalui e-PCB, e-Data PCB dan e-PCB39. CP38 pula merujuk kepada potongan cukai tambahan yang dikeluarkan oleh LHDN, dan majikan perlu membuat potongan tambahan dalam bentuk ansuran bulanan daripada gaji pekerja mereka.
This CP38 Instruction requires that the employer make additional deductions in monthly installments from the salary of the taxpayer (other than a Monthly Tax Deduction) towards settlement of taxpayer’s income tax arrears. CP38 Instructions will be effective from the July 2014 salary until December 2014.
你报税了吗?马来西亚打工族线上报税完整流程 | Form BE e-Filing
2023年3月29日 · cp38 是内陆税收局向雇主发出的特别指示,让雇主在特定的月份中从雇员的薪金里扣除一笔数额,这笔数额通常是偿还雇员之前拖欠的所得税。 MTD/PCB 则是偿还现在的所得税。
How To Add CP38 Deductions? | Talenox Knowledge Centre
CP38 is an additional tax deduction order issued by LHDN specifically to an employer. Employers will usually receive this directive from LHDN to make additional monthly deductions ('CP38') from the salary of an employee, on top of the usual monthly PCB/MTD amounts.