Form XXV - Return by Employer to Registering Officer - greytHR
Principal Employer shall submit an annual return for the year ending 31 December to the concerned Registering Officer as per the given format. This covers establishment as well as …
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FORM- XXV. [See rule 242] Annual return of employer to be sent to the registering officer Year ending 31st December. Full name and full address of the establishment of the building and other construction work (Place, Post Office, District) Name and permanent address of the establishment
FORM XXV [See Rule 82(2)] Annual Return of Principal Employer to be sent to the Registering Officer Full name and address of the Principal Employer. Name of Establishment: District Postal Address
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Form XXV- Annual Return of Principal Officer - greytHR
Principal Employer shall submit an annual return for the year ending 31 December to the concerned Registering Officer as per the given format. The annual return shall be submitted in …
Form - XXV (See Rule 242 (1) Annual Return of Employer To Be …
Form XXV - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1. This document is an annual return form submitted to the Registering Officer for the year ending 31st December 2017 by M/s Larsen & Toubro …
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Central Rules FORM XXV . See Rule 82(2) . Annual Return of Principal Employer to be sent to the Registering Officer. Year ending 31st December, 19 . 1. Full name and address of the Principal Employer. 2. Name of Establishment: (a) District (b) Postal Address .
Full name of the manager or person responsible for supervision and control of the establishment.
Full name of the Manager or person responsible for supervision and control of the establishment. Number of contractors who worked in the establishment during the year (Give details in Annexure). Nature of work/operations on which contract labour was employed. Total number of days during the year on which contract labour was employed.
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X ÙAndhra Pradesh Contract Labour (R&A) Rules FORM XXV (See rule 82 (2)) Annual return of principal employer to be sent to the Registering Officer Year ending 31st December ----------- Full name and address of the Principal Employer. Name of Establishment District, Postal Address, Nature of operations/industry/work carried on. Full name of the Manager or person responsible, for supervision ...