Pump Up Your Calories and Protein: Milkshake Recipes for Home
2020年5月29日 · Fortified Milk Recipe. Fortified milk has 40 percent more calories and twice the protein per serving of regular milk and can be added to any recipe calling for milk. 1 quart …
What Is Fortified Milk? Benefits and Uses - Healthline
2019年9月3日 · Fortified milk is cow’s milk that contains extra vitamins and minerals that are not naturally found in milk in significant amounts. Typically, vitamins D and A are added to milk …
Fortified Milkshake Recipe Residents at medium or high risk of malnutrition should be offered 2-3 fortified milkshakes or nourishing snacks throughout the day. Ingredients for 4 servings …
Homemade Fortified Milkshake Think, Food First! Other high-calorie milky drinks such as hot chocolate, Ovaltine ™ and Horlicks™ can also be fortified with whole milk, skimmed milk …
The fortified milkshake and fortified hot chocolate are the most nutritionally complete drinks, so are the best choice if you are not eating well. Avoid filling up on low-calorie drinks such as tea, …
Add 4 tablespoons of milk powder to 1 pint of full cream milk (blue top) and mix well. Use fortified milk in drinks such as tea and coffee, or to make up milkshakes. It can also be used to make …
Fortified milk - University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Two tablespoons (35g) sugar, 1 pint fortified milk. Mix the custard powder and sugar together with splash of milk to make a paste. warm the rest of the milk through, then pour onto the paste …
A basic recipe for boosting the calorie and protein content of milk. Fortified milk should be used instead of milk on breakfast cereals, porridge, hot drinks or just taken as a drink.
Nourishing Drinks - Milton Keynes University Hospital
Fortified milk. We recommend you replace your normal milk with fortified milk: use this in cereals, sauces, custards, soups and drinks. Fortified milk can also be enjoyed as a drink on its own. A …
How to make fortified milk . Why might I need fortified milk? Fortifying milk with dried milk powder adds extra nutrition to the milk without having to use more of it. This can be helpful if you have …