Video: 【開発セキュリティ入門】静的コード解析と …
今回は開発セキュリティを始めるときの基本的な手法、静的コード解析(SCA=StaticCodeAnalysis)について解説します。動画では静的解析とは何か?動的解析(DAST)との違いは何かや、なぜFortify SCAが開発者の助けになるのかを説明します。
Have the SCA installer handy (19.1.0 or 19.1.2 at this time) Ensure that the update.fortify.com site is reachable OR. Have the rulepacks available to manually install. Be able to run the installer with Administrator privileges. 2
Fortify SCA license. - Fortify User Discussions - OpenText Fortify
Hi, Good day! I'm quite new on using fortify. We have installed the SCA on our workstation. On the setup ...
Fortify SCA 3.80 Scan : Build ID for this scan not available
Hi, I have dot.net project running on Visual Studio 2008 and Fortify SCA 3.80 is used. The code is compiled and translated by sourceanalyzer. However while scan
Technical Insight Series: An Introduction to Fortify SCA
Technical Insight Series Where: GoTo Webinar link provided to registered participants Cost: Free Register Now > for the series!
Micro Focus Fortify Product Announcement: SCA, SSC, WI & WIE …
Original Question: Micro Focus Fortify Product Announcement: SCA, SSC, WI & WIE 19.2.0 by Erdem_Menges Micro Focus Fortify is pleased to announce the immediate OpenText Community for Micro Focus products
- [PDF]
Micro Focus
Fortify Software Security Research (SSR) は、Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks (英語、バージョン 2020.2.0)、Fortify WebInspect SecureBase (SmartUpdate で利用可能)、および Fortify Premium Content への更新をまもなくリリースいたします。 Micro Focus Fortify Secure Coding Rulepacks [SCA]
Trial License for Fortify SCA - Error
Hi, I have registered for trial license for Fortify SCA. However while launching the product it shows ...
Can't execute a Fortify SCA remote analysis on Jenkins
2024年2月9日 · I have Fortify SSC and SCA v22.2.0 in different servers, apart from Jenkins as well. I installed Jenkins plugin v 21.2.37 and can't go to 22.x currently because OpenText Community for Micro Focus products
How to add new file extensions in Fortify SCA - Micro Focus (now ...
SCA support numerous languages and define the supported extensions in fortify-sca.properties file. If a certain language extensions are not listed as recognized on SCA but compatible with the SCA supported one, we can add new extension as supported file …