【篤實 關懷 倫理 卓越】光田綜合醫院 Kuang Tien General Hospital
用於治療有惡化風險之慢性腎臟病的成人病人時,可降低持續性腎絲球過濾率 (eGFR) 下降、末期腎病 (ESKD)、心衰竭住院和心血管死亡的風險。 用於心衰竭的成人病人時,可降低心血管死亡、心衰竭住院和心衰竭緊急就醫的風險。 在開始Forxiga治療前應評估腎功能,之後依臨床需要進⾏評估 。 對於⾎容量不⾜的病⼈,應於在開始Forxiga治療前應評估⾎容量狀態,必要時應矯正⾎容量不⾜的情形。 •改善⾎糖控制,Forxiga的建議起始劑量是5毫克每天⼝服1次。 在耐 …
达格列净 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
达格列净 (英語: Dapagliflozin,中文品牌名:安达唐 (大陆地区)、福適佳 (台灣地区), 英文品牌名: Forxiga ), 由 阿斯利康 研发,是第一种获批的 SGLT2抑制剂, 欧盟 在2011年首先批准了此药物。 2014年 FDA 批准其在美国销售。 [3] 达格列净于2017年获得 中国食品和药品监督管理总局 批准,用于 2型糖尿病 成人患者改善其 血糖 控制。 [4] 由于达格列净导致严重的糖尿(有时每天约70克),因此可能导致体重迅速减轻和疲倦。 葡萄糖 起渗透性利尿剂的作用(这种作用 …
FORXIGA belongs to a class of medicines called Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. It removes excess sugar from the body through the urine. This reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. FORXIGA also provides benefits to the heart and kidneys.
Forxiga (dapagliflozin propanediol) is a potent, highly selective and orally active inhibitor of the human renal sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), the major transporter responsible for renal glucose reabsorption. 2. COMPOSITION. Forxiga 5 mg: Each film-coated tablet contains 5 mg dapagliflozin as dapagliflozin propanediol.
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FORXIGA is indicated in adults for the treatment of symptomatic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, as an adjunct to standard of care therapy (see section 5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties). The recommended dose of FORXIGA is 10 mg taken once daily at any time of the day regardless of meals.
Forxiga: Uses, Side Effects, Benefits/Risks | Drugs.com
Forxiga is used to treat adults with type-2 diabetes. Forxiga can be used on its own in patients whose blood glucose (sugar) levels are not satisfactorily controlled on diet and exercise alone and who cannot tolerate metformin (another antidiabetes medicine).
What Forxiga is used for Forxiga is used in adult patients (aged 18 years and older) to treat: • Type 2 diabetes and can help some patients to live mellitus if your type 2 diabetes cannot be controlled with diet and exercise. Forxiga can be used on its own or together with other medicines to treat diabetes. • Heart failure when the heart
BC26476100 | 藥品資訊 | 就醫指南 | 天主教耕莘醫療財團法人耕莘 …
Forxiga治療前應評估腎功能,之後依臨床需要進行評估。 (1) eGFR 45或以上 • 為改善血糖控制,Forxiga的建議起始劑量是5毫克每天口服1次。在耐受Forxiga 5毫克每天1次的病人,需要對於額外血糖控制時,劑量可增至10毫克每天口服1次。
Forxiga is indicated for use as initial combination therapy with metformin, as an adjunct to diet and exercise, to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus when diet and exercise have failed to provide adequate glycemic control …
Forxiga contains the active substance dapagliflozin. It belongs to a group of medicines called “sodium glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors”. They work by blocking the SGLT2 protein in your kidney. By blocking this protein, blood sugar (glucose), salt (sodium) and water are removed from your body via the urine.