FOYER Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of FOYER is an anteroom or lobby especially of a theater; also : an entrance hallway : vestibule.
fouer translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
fouer translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'fou rire, fouler, four, flouer', examples, definition, conjugation
I'll meet you in the foyer at 7 o'clock. 我七点钟和你在门厅见面. Let's meet in the foyer of the Bijou Theater. 让我们在珠宝戏院的休息室会面. " Now, then, " he said, leading the way up the foyer …
FOYER中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典
FOYER翻译:(剧院、宾馆等公共建筑物入口处内的)门厅, (房子或公寓的)门廊,前厅。 了解更多。
Fouer - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年3月18日 · Fouer n. From Middle High German vuore, from Old High German fuora, from Proto-Germanic *fōrō. Cognate with German Fuhre. Fouer f (plural Foueren)
FOYER | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
FOYER meaning: 1. a large open area just inside the entrance of a public building such as a theatre or a hotel…. Learn more.
fouer — Wiktionnaire, le dictionnaire libre
fouer *\ Prononciation ? \ transitif (voir la conjugaison) Chauffer, faire du feu. Exemple d’utilisation manquant. (Ajouter) Payer le fouage de.
FOUER : Définition de FOUER
TLFi Académie 9 e édition Académie 8 e édition Académie 4 e édition BDLP Francophonie BHVF attestations DMF (1330 - 1500)
fouer - Translation into English - examples French | Reverso Context
Translations in context of "fouer" in French-English from Reverso Context: Il va de soi que les bergers, les moutons et les musiciens participent à l'ouverture de la Fouer, laquelle est …
fouer translation | English-French dictionary - Reverso
fouer translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'founder, foe, foyer, fore', examples, definition, conjugation