shotgun round for fox - Gun and Game Forum
2012年11月27日 · Coyotes were not around then but fox always were suggested to use #2 lead--I dont know that it is even made today. Someone said 7 1/2 to 8--NO NO. Need something to penetrate. There is a load out there 'dead coyote' or some such. They are recommended for doggie size critters out to an amazing 60 yards. Cost is over $2/pop.
What a PIA | Gun and Game Forum
2024年7月2日 · 765 views 8 replies 5 participants last post by blue fox Jul 4, 2024. backdoor Discussion starter. 5866 ...
New to me M1 Garand | Gun and Game Forum
2023年3月5日 · Military Firearms. M1 Garand
Building A Tire Wall | Gun and Game Forum
2013年4月7日 · the stumbling block for me is what if anything smaller than 50cal would penetrate this thing? The general idea is to build a wall that is about 8-10 feet high with a combo of firing ports and firing steps built in. tires would be anchored together and filled with hard packed dirt as the wall goes up.
DELisle carbine? | Gun and Game Forum
2024年9月6日 · 693 views 8 replies 5 participants last post by jwrauch Sep 9, 2024. blue fox Discussion starter. 14546 ...
Shotgun Discussion - Gun and Game Forum
2013年4月30日 · When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community.
Springfield 87a .22 | Page 2 | Gun and Game Forum
2009年2月6日 · I have a Springfield model 87a .22 caliber semi-auto rifle. I've had it for a couple of years now. I bought it for 60 dollars. It's been a fairly nice rifle, It's accurate, and rather reliable. I'm just wondering if any one could give me some information on this rifle, such as history...
22 mag ammo for coyotes and bobcats - Gun and Game Forum
2012年12月28日 · I use cci maxi mag tmj 40 gr for coyote and fox. Also use em for ground hogs. I prefer weight over speed ...
.22 LR Rat/Bird Shot.... - Gun and Game Forum
2022年8月29日 · The 22 lr only has 1/16 ounce of shot and the 22 Mag 1/8 ounce. 9 mm # 11 shot 1/7 ounce 230 pellets They will bounce all around your garage (new ones are #12 shot) 38/357 #9 shot 1/4 ounce 135 pellets Work just fine (the 22 holds 1/16 ounce, these hold 4/16)
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