Flaky | 欢乐树的朋友们 维基 | Fandom
Flaky其实是剧中最善良的角色之一,就像在Take a Hike中救了一只小鸟。她经常出现在Lumpy、Sniffles和Cuddles周围。此外,当与Cuddles结伴时,Flaky经常被强行拖入导致一场或两场死亡的情况,尽管她警告Cuddles可能发生的危险。
happy tree friends - 百度百科
Flaky是一个全身都是头皮屑的豪猪,它很胆小,并且对花生、奶酪过敏。 它的一身刺是个危险品,不仅连累自己多次死亡,还害得同伴们都惨遭祸害! 数据
Flippy | 欢乐树的朋友们 维基 | Fandom
Flippy是该系列中唯一会在他出现的每个剧集中故意导致其他角色死亡的角色,至少在他“觉醒”时(除了 Without a Hitch,他从未觉醒过,和 Autopsy Turvy(Double Whammy Part II),他所有的杀戮都是偶然发生的)。 他有严重的 创伤后压力综合征 (PTSD)。 每当他看到或听到一些让他想起战争的东西(比如类似枪声或噼里啪啦的篝火),他就会产生妄想,并且极具攻击性,经常杀死所有看到的活物。
剧集/常规剧集 | 欢乐树的朋友们 维基 | Fandom
Flaky Cuddles: Mime Petunia Cuddles [有争议] Flaky Toothy Lumpy: 一图胜千语! 45 A Hard Act to Swallow: Sniffles: 蚂蚁: Sniffles: 追随你的心! 46 Let It Slide: Cuddles Flaky Cub Lumpy: Giggles: Cub Flaky Cuddles: 不要忘了涂抹防晒霜! 47 Icy You: Nutty: Lumpy: Nutty: 伤风宜食,发烧宜饿! 48 Hello Dolly ...
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends) - Works | Archive of Our Own
The main relationships will be between a hedgehog with another hedgehog, a pheasant with a fox, a bear with a porcupine, a bunny with a fox and another bunny, a hyena with a red panda, a wolf with a dog and a deer, and a wolf with a tanuki. There will also be many other relationships present, but these will be the main ones.
Flippy (Happy Tree Friends) - Works | Archive of Our Own
Flippy is a librarian, Flaky is a new girl in town. Their worlds collide in a way they never thought it ever would. Watch, as you see their relationship blossom!
Humanized Flaky by CubedFox2007 on DeviantArt
2024年8月23日 · I normally don't humanize characters but I just did this for fun. Also, I tried to fit her human form with her original form so yeah. Thank you for your support and welcome, Friend. You gain a lot at this level! Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In.
Sexy Flaky. by HTF-LvR on DeviantArt
2011年6月28日 · HTF-LvR on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/htf-lvr/art/OPEN-HTF-POINT-ADOPTABLES-1-215408815 HTF-LvR
I Tried Fox in the Snow's Blueberry Hand Pie Recipe - Kitchn
2021年2月3日 · The crust was buttery, crisp, and incredibly flaky (it reminded me of puff pastry), and the defined layers were gorgeous. The sugar topping gave it a beautiful sparkle and pleasant crunchy texture that was a nice contrast against the tender pastry.
FLAKY中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
FLAKY翻译:小片的, 易碎成小薄片的;易脱落的, 人的, 疯疯癫癫的;不靠谱的;古怪的。 了解更多。