Ferroportin - Wikipedia
Given the findings of studies to date, there appears to be significant evidence that intact iron transport mechanisms are critical to normal neural tube closure. Furthermore, other experiments have suggested that Fpn1 product and activity is required along the entire anterior-posterior axis of the animal to ensure proper closure of the neural tube.
Blood:研究揭示铁泵蛋白Fpn1在铁代谢中作用 - MedSci.cn
756 生命科学 第34 § 月26 日。Zon团队[12] 使用定位克隆技术鉴定出导 致斑马鱼突变体低色素性贫血的基因并将其命名为 ferroportin,详细展示了FPN 蛋白外排细胞铁的重 要功能。Zon团队成果于2000年2 月17 日以Article
Ferroportin downregulation promotes cell proliferation by …
2019年8月19日 · Our study links FPN1 transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation with MM cell growth and survival, and validates the prognostic value of FPN1 and its utility as a novel therapeutic...
Blood:解决铁代谢多年难题,王福俤团队发现铁泵蛋白FPN降解调 …
2021年5月2日 · 来源 | 铁死亡club 铁元素 不仅是血红蛋白、肌红蛋白合成的主要原料,也是多种氧化还原酶类的辅因子。 作为人体含量最多的必需微量元素,铁稳态代谢对维持生命健康至关重要。原发性遗传性血色病是铁过载人类遗传病,主要由HFE、HJV、TfR2、HAMP或FPN等铁代谢调控基因突变引发多器官铁蓄积,多 ...
Ferroportin 1 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Ferroportin 1 (FPN1) is the only iron exporter identified in mammalian cells and is expressed mainly on the basolateral membrane of duodenal enterocytes and the plasma membranes of macrophages and hepatocytes [51–55]. FPN1 transports Fe(II) from the cytosol, across the cellular membrane, into the plasma.
Cdh5-mediated Fpn1 deletion exerts neuroprotective effects …
2023年2月25日 · Ferroportin 1 (FPN1), the only known cellular iron export protein, is found in brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMVECs) at the blood-brain barrier, and is considered the...
Iron Export through the Transporter Ferroportin 1 Is Modulated …
2016年8月12日 · Ferroportin 1 (FPN1) is an iron export protein found in mammals. FPN1 is important for the export of iron across the basolateral membrane of absorptive enterocytes and across the plasma membrane of macrophages. The expression of FPN1 is regulated by hepcidin, which binds to FPN1 and then induces its …
Ferroportin disease: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
Ferroportin Disease (FD) is an autosomal dominant hereditary iron loading disorder associated with heterozygote mutations of the ferroportin-1 ( FPN ) gene. It represents one of the commonest causes of genetic hyperferritinemia, regardless of ethnicity. FPN1 …
<br>NRF2/FPN1通路的激活通过调节铁稳态和铁死亡来减轻糖尿 …
Ferroportin1 (FPN1) 是唯一与铁释放相关的哺乳动物蛋白,因此在铁稳态中发挥着至关重要的作用,而核因子 E2 相关因子 2 (NRF2) 则控制 FPN1 的转录。 由于NRF2/FPN1通路可能在糖尿病心肌IRI的治疗中发挥有利作用,因此本工作研究了其可能的机制。