Glyceride solution to reduce antibiotic usage: FRA® C12
FRA® C12 is a practical solution to reduce the usage of Antibiotic Growth Promotors in animal production, while maintaining animal health and performance. Strengthen the immune system & inflammatory response
Applied Research Note - ScienceDirect
Jun 1, 2021 · The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementing a commercial available formulation containing α-monolaurin (FRA C12 Dry) on vaccine uptake and elicited antibody response in Ross 308 broilers orally vaccinated with live attenuated infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).
减少抗生素使用的甘油溶液:FRA®C12 - ADISSEO
FRA®C12是一种实用的解决方案,可减少动物生产中抗生素生长促进剂的使用,同时保持动物的健康和性能。 身体防御系统对动物的健康和表现至关重要。 一个功能正常的免疫系统对疾病有充分的反应,当出现小的挑战时不会反应过度。 这种过度反应甚至会限制表现。 因此,了解某些甘油酯已显示出对动物免疫系统的支持是有价值的。 除此之外,通过抗炎化合物减少促炎过程的负面影响,使畜牧业离实现100%的基因增长潜力又近了一步。 FRA®C12是由于研究表明月桂酸 …
α-单月桂酸甘油酯在抗链球菌斗争中的应用_Fra - 搜狐
Jun 22, 2020 · Fra C12是单月桂酸甘油酯,能够杀死和灭活细菌、酵母、真菌、原生动物和脂肪包膜的病毒。 Fra C12由Framelco bv 销售,总部在荷兰Raamsdonksveer市,用于猪饲料。
FRA C12 is pH independent, non-volatile, non-corrosive, non-smelling and heat stable. No negative effects on feed intake, even at high dose levels. Compliant with EU regulations and produced in GMP+ certified facilities. Registration numbers in accordance with Act 36 of 1947: FRA C12 Dry - V 25843 / FRA C12 Liquid – V 26502
FRA C12 is pH independent, non-volatile, non-corrosive, non-smelling and heat stable. No negative effects on feed intake, even at high dose levels. Compliant with EU regulations and produced in GMP+ certified facilities. Registration numbers in accordance with Act 36 of 1947: FRA C12 Dry - V 25843 / FRA C12 Liquid – V 26502
FRA® C12 improves natural Body Defence systems by increasing antibody titer values, indicating a more active immune system. This may lead to a better protection against pathogens during times of infection.
Glyceride solution to control pathogens: FRA® Gut Balance
FRA® Gut Balance contains a smart combination of glycerides of both short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids and is the key to overcome bacterial challenges from both gram-negative and …
Extensive research shows that medium chain 1-monoglycerides possess condition, type of housing or change of feed, they are highly susceptible to infectious diseases and (metabolic) disorders. antibacterial, antiviral, and animal performance improving properties. FRA® C12 contains 1-monoglycerides of medium chain fatty acids to inhibit like and ...
Boosting natural immunity with FRA® C12 Dry
Apr 10, 2022 · New findings reveal that FRA® C12, known for its antiviral activity, could help support natural body defence. It improved sow and piglet performance on a farm suffering from a severe PRRSv outbreak.