Naim Audio Fraim l Hi-Fi Furniture and Shelving System | Naim …
Our FraimLite is a great option for those who are just starting out with Naim Audio systems. It has a tripod-style configuration, optimised shelf spacing and is made of high-quality materials.
名』音响 Fraim l 高保真家具和货架系统 | Naim Audio
FraimLite 是『名』音响公司根据 Fraim 的核心概念和组件开发的支持系统。 虽然它已被精简至最基本的部分,但仍保留了原有 Fraim 的性能和美学品质。 FraimLite 的设计充分体现了工程完 …
Naim FraimLite – House Of Stereo
FraimLite takes the core Fraim concepts and components and strips them back to the fundamentals to create entry-level engineered support for less ambitious Naim Audio systems …
The Naim Fraim Naim's modular Fraim racking system is much …
While the full and original Fraim support system gives the best results, Naim has more recently introduced the much less costly Fraim Lite rack, which eliminates the glass shelf and extends …
Naim FraimLite equipment support system | Fraim Lite | Hifi Gear
A simplified version of the range-topping Fraim rack, the Naim FraimLite is a more affordable modular Naim rack for your hi-fi separates which still offers a substantial slice of performance …
FraimLite Options - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community
2024年2月7日 · All Fraim and Fraim Lite shelves can be bought individually, so you just order a base and however many shelves you want, of whatever heights you need. No need for a full set.
Naim Fraim vs Fraim lite | pink fish media
2012年7月2日 · I use a Naim setup (CD5x, Flatcap2, Nait5i). The other day my nearby Naim dealer gave me a demo of the Fraim and Fraim lite. Interestingly I found that both of them …
Naim Audio Accessories - Cymbiosis
The Naim Audio shelving options, Fraim and Fraim Lite, are the epitome of style and performance. The Naim Power-Line and Hi-Line are perfect examples of how cutting edge …
Naim Fraim Lite Equipment Support System - EQ Audio Video
FraimLite takes the core Fraim concepts and components and strips them back to the fundamentals to create entry-level engineered support for less ambitious Naim Audio systems …
Naim Fraim Lite Hi-Fi Stand Shelf in Furniture at Audio Affair
The Naim FraimLite Hi-Fi Rack is the entry-level model in the Fraim range and provides the perfect equipment support system for Naim and other hi-fi equipment. A stripped back version …