Power Factor Correction Systems - FRAKO
The dynamic power factor correction systems LSFC-E by FRAKO enables wear-free and interference-free compensation by electronically switching capacitor stages at zero crossing. With the dynamic reactive power controller PFC-12TR-1, the LSFC-E …
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无功功率补偿系统 --FRAKO中国区官方网站
FRAKO提供完整的,可直接连接电缆的成套无功补偿系统(柜),有落地式的补偿柜,也有挂墙式的补偿箱体。 可包含需要滤除电网中谐波的带电抗器补偿系统或不需要滤除电网中谐波的不带电抗器补偿系统类型。 而我们FRAKO控制仪“即插即用”的设计运行理念使得无功补偿系统的启动形如孩子们的游戏一样简单直接。 FRAKO无功补偿系统是由多个FRAKO补偿模块结合控制仪和风扇组成。 这个无功补偿系统在出厂时均通过了型式试验,并成为工厂、商业楼宇、银行、管理部门 …
Blindleistungskompensationsanlagen - FRAKO
Die dynamische Blindleistungskompensation LSFC-E von FRAKO erlaubt durch das elektronische Schalten der Kondensatorstufen im Nulldurchgang eine absolute verschleiß- und netzrückwirkungsfreie Kompensation. Eine Induktive Blindleistungs-Regelanlage LSI wird eingesetzt, um kapazitive Verbraucher oder Netze entsprechend zu kompensieren.
Power Factor Correction Systems type LSK and LSKI are a perfect solution for small and medium-sized firms and buildings. Power Factor Correction Systems type LSK /LSKI are suitable for power factor correction in networks without harmonic distortion.
蓝诚复蓝克电气(上海)有限公司注册在上海市奉贤区,专注于电能质量和能源管理领域的研发与应用技术,基于传统的电容器c和电抗器l构成lc振荡回路,提高功率因数,抑制谐波的放大。公司和德国frako战略合作,引进前瞻技术及科学理念。 德国frako具有:
Subject to technical changes / © FRAKO GmbH / www.frako.com Main Catalogue 2019 - PFC 117 Ready to connect, automatic Power Factor Correction Systems in sheet steel cabinets for wall mounting.
Power Factor Correction Systems type LSK and LSKI are a perfect solution for small and medium-sized firms and buildings. Power Factor Correction Systems type LSK /LSKI are suitable for power factor correction in networks without harmonic distortion. Attention: Even low harmonic levels can be amplified by network resonances.
FRAKO 使您的供电网络更加的高效和可靠--FRAKO中国区官方网站
frako 电力电容器 “德国制造”质量及世界级尖端技术——比如自愈性、分段式电容薄膜、连接环、机械保险丝等保护措施,可以防止内部过压,确保运行时的安全和可靠。
FRAKO: your specialist for power factor correction, energy …
2024年7月1日 · FRAKO has been building power factor correction systems for many years. Currently, almost exclusively systems with harmonic filter reactors are being used because the higher frequency components (harmonics) in the electrical mains are steadily increasing due to power electronics.