Franco Albini - Wikipedia
Franco Albini (17 October 1905 – 1 November 1977) was an Italian Neo-Rationalist architect, designer and university instructor in design. A native of Robbiate, near Milan, Albini obtained his degree in architecture at Politecnico di Milano University in 1929 and began his professional career working for Gio Ponti.
佛朗科·阿尔比尼(Franco,Albini) - 知乎专栏
佛朗科·阿尔比尼(Franco Albini)出身于意大利科莫市附近的一个小镇上,他被认为是意大利最重要的新理性主义设计师之一。 在他的作品里始终贯穿着严谨的逻辑,高度的纯美表现力和在美学及历史尺度上的表现力。
一个伟大的建筑师,或许你对他一无所知:阿尔比尼与他的建筑 –
“二战”后的意大利建筑界星光熠熠,弗兰克·阿尔比尼(Franco Albini)是其中一个无法忽视的名字。 与喜爱挖掘历史、重塑记忆的斯卡帕相比,阿尔比尼的课题在于表达现代性、结合工业建造。
Franco Albini Biography and works| Casati Gallery
Franco Albini (born October 17, 1905, Robbiate, Italy–died November 1, 1977, Milan, Italy) was an Italian furniture designer and architect and one of the most important members of the Italian Neo-Rationalist movement.
Franco Albini, the Architect Who Became Designer
2022年2月7日 · Franco Albini is the quintessential representation of Italian rationalism. In the late 1920s, he began his career when the dominant architectural and design movement was Neoclassicism. However, the Italian architect soon steered away from classic lines and shapes to look for new forms, concepts, and geometries.
Franco Albini - architecht - designer (1905-1977) - DesignIndex
4 天之前 · Franco Albini was born in Robbiate (Como) on October 17, 1905 and is one of the most important Italian architects of the twentieth century. A member of Italian Rationalism , he is internationally recognized through an extensive publicity of his works..
Franco Albini, rationalist | Biography | Designer - Cassina
Franco Albini He was a major figure in the Rationalist Movement, excelling in architectural, furniture, industrial and museum design. After receiving a degree in architecture from the Politecnico di Milano in 1929, he worked with the Ponti and Lancia design studios.
Franco Albini - Cassina
Franco Albini 是建筑、家具、工业设计、博物馆装备生产领域内理性主义思想发展的主要角色之一。 1929年毕业于米兰理工大学建筑专业,随后与Ponti e Lancia工作室合作。
意大利设计师Franco Albini – 发现设计 - faxiansheji.com
Franco Albini - Artnet
Franco Albini was an Italian designer and architect best known for his chairs, tables, and other furniture. View Franco Albini’s 1,923 artworks on artnet. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices.