Frank Duff - Wikipedia
Francis Michael Duff (7 June 1889 – 7 November 1980), was an Irish lay Catholic and author known for bringing attention to the role of the Catholic laity during the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church.
Servant of God Frank Duff | Causes | Legion of Mary
Founder of the Legion of Mary, Frank Duff was born in Dublin, Ireland, on June 7, 1889. He entered the Civil Service at the age of 18. At 24 he joined the Society of St. Vincent de Paul where he was led to a deeper commitment to his Catholic faith and at the same time he acquired a great sensitivity to the needs of the poor and underprivileged.
Frank Duff: Founder of the Legion of Mary & Champion of the …
2018年5月3日 · Frank Duff lived to be 91 years old, dying on a First Friday. In 1917, the same year that Our Lady appeared in Fatima and St. Maximilian founded the Militia Immaculatae, Frank Duff read St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. He had overheard a few men discussing the book and became interested in acquiring a copy himself.
Legion Saints - Servant of God Frank Duff - arlingtonregia.com
On September 7th, 1921 Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary. This is a lay apostolic organization at the service of the Church, under ecclesiastical guidance. Its twofold purpose is the spiritual development of its members and advancing the reign of Christ through Our Lady.
Frank Duff – Meath History Hub with Noel French
Frank Duff was born in Dublin in 1889, the eldest of seven children to John and Susan Duff. Both parents had Meath roots. Frank Duff’s maternal grandfather, Michael Freehill, was the first headmaster of the Model School in Trim and his uncle was the second headmaster.
Frank Duff: a model of robust lay leadership - The Irish Catholic
2021年9月9日 · Frank Duff, the indefatigable founder of the Legion of Mary was a man ahead of his time. What he founded in Dublin a century ago – September 7, 1921 – quickly became the largest international association ever to come out of Ireland. Mr Duff had a two-fold vision for the Legion of Mary.
Sainthood Cause Delayed for Legion of Mary Founder
1998年2月8日 · DUBLIN—The British secret service, MI5, and Irish civil service red tape may delay for decades the cause of Frank Duff, founder of the Legion of Mary.
Servant of God Frank Duff - Mater Ecclesiae Houston Senatus …
On September 7, 1921 Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary. This is a lay apostolic organization at the service of the Church, under ecclesiastical guidance. Its twofold purpose is the spiritual development of its members and advancing the reign of Christ through Our Lady.
Our Founder (Frank Duff) - Legion of Mary - New York, NY
Frank Duff - A Living Autobiography. In 1979, Msgr. Charles T. Moss and a team of Legionaries from the Philadelphia Senatus, including Walter Brown, Beatrice Flannigan, Al Norrell and Bill Peffley, conducted a series of interviews with Frank Duff, which were videotaped and …
Legion of Mary Causes - Frank Duff - Edel Quinn - Alfie Lambe
In 1917 Frank Duff came to know the Treatise of St. Louis Marie de Montfort on the True Devotion to Mary, a work which changed his life completely. On September 7th, 1921 Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary.