Hammer for 3rd gen frankengun - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年2月15日 · I have a Model 6906 that I made a change to. I replaced the top end with the top end from a Model 5906. The little extra length makes the gun handle better for me.
*Update With Photos* .45 Colt Bisley Frankengun
2024年9月11日 · I only say Frankengun for lack of vocabulary. The shop owners seemed a little put off that someone had the nerve to “cut it up” but my eyebrow was raised with intrigue. You can tell the work was done very well, not hacked on by a bubba such as myself. I’ll use my google fu to search custom SAA’s but are there any resources you can ...
Picked up a 629 "Frankengun"! - smith-wessonforum.com
2024年12月14日 · Post war .357 Transitional "Frankengun" mojave30cal: S&W Hand Ejectors: 1896 to 1961: 5: 02-05-2014 11:35 AM: Picked up my "Total package" Lew Horton 3" 624 tonight! dotdsd334: S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 5: 11-09-2013 08:56 AM: Picked up this brush nickel 1917 yesterday, (not a "classics" model). Bill_in_fl: S&W Hand Ejectors: 1896 to ...
Frankengun - smith-wessonforum.com
2014年5月25日 · S&W Hand Ejectors: 1896 to 1961 All 5-Screw & Vintage 4-Screw SWING-OUT Cylinder REVOLVERS, and the 35 Autos and 32 Autos
Dr. Frankengun, take me to your laboratory!
2013年11月5日 · Frankenguns. The very name conjures up visions (See what I did there? Frankengun? Conjure up? Halloween! I'm so ashamed of myself...) of 'Bubba-Built' monstrosities blowing up, leaving someo
Model 4076 ?? (Frankengun) - Smith & Wesson Forum
2019年6月24日 · (Frankengun) Was cleaning my 4013 & 1076, after a recent trip to the range, & I couldn't resist, after seeing BM1's "1066 SSV" pictures, to see if these two would interchange uppers & lowers and just what it looked like.
FrankenGun? Need some help identifying - Smith & Wesson Forum
2018年5月11日 · S&W Hand Ejectors: 1896 to 1961 All 5-Screw & Vintage 4-Screw SWING-OUT Cylinder REVOLVERS, and the 35 Autos and 32 Autos
38 DA Frankengun? - smith-wessonforum.com
2010年12月31日 · 38 DA Frankengun? I got to spend the morning in a friend's shop looking at and helping to grade and price a bunch of S&W's. Some of them were really nice, and some....well, not so much.
Frankengun.... oy...
2016年1月11日 · Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols Other Smith & Wesson Semi-Automatic Pistols from the 1950's to Present
3rd Gen Frankengun build - smith-wessonforum.com
2019年10月8日 · So I won a stripped 5906 frame off that auction site a few weeks back and had my local ffl/custom shop bead blast it back to its matte finish for \\\.