Franklin Board of Education 2021-2022 Budget Proposal Franklin Public Schools - Franklin Elementary School-State of Connecticut School of Distinction 1. Students will become college, career and life ready through curriculum, instruction and assessment that emphasizes 21st Century Skills, Digital Literacy and Personalization, Relevancy and Hands-on Learning.
2017年5月18日 · CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS 2.1 DEFINITIONS. Words used in the present tense include the future; singular words include the plural; and the word “used” means designed, intended or modified for use. ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING: A use or building on the same lot with, and of a nature directly related to but incidental or subordinate to, the principal use or …
2022年5月17日 · town of franklin planning & zoning commission (pzc) franklin town hall 7 meetinghouse hill rd. regular meeting minutes & public hearing may 17, 2022 7:30 p.m.
2021年8月17日 · (proportional) located at 931 Route 32, North Franklin, CT., Assessor’s Map 3, Lot 7, Zoned R-120, Existing Zone is R-120 /proposed Zone is C-2 Secretary Calvert opened the hearing at 8:00 PM. APPLICANT / PRESENTATION: Mr. Tules explained the property owner would like to have the option of broadening business use on this property.
2021年4月1日 · PER TOWN ORDINANCE FOR PROCESSING APPLICATION – Administrative Fees: Cost to Review: In the event the cost to review, evaluate, and process an application/plans exceeds applicable fees set forth in the Town of Franklin Fee Ordinance, the applicant shall pay all reasonable additional costs incurred by the Town upon notification of such
7 COMMISSION: The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Franklin. COMMON DRIVEWAY: See Section 9.22. CORNER LOT: A lot which abuts the intersection of 2 or more streets. DEVELOPMENT: Any construction or grading activities to improved or unimproved real estate, and includes but is not limited to the installation of
Town of Franklin Ordinance on Agricultural & Conservation Commission Be it ORDAINED that the electors of the Town of Franklin at a duly warned Special Town Meeting held on May 27,
Send PDF FILES of “PROPOSED PLANS” to: [email protected], & [email protected] 4. Approval of this application by the Planning & Zoning Commission indicates approval of the SITE PLAN ONLY and does not act as permission to proceed with construction. The Applicant must first obtain a Zoning Permit from the Zoning Enforcement Officer