『超实用』ImageJ图像处理 - 光漂白荧光恢复FRAP分析分子扩 …
这一期讲讲ImageJ非常实用的FRAP分析,希望对大家有所帮助。 有问题可以私信,或发送邮件至[email protected] 咨询服务也可以邮箱联系,谢谢支持! 是老师,也是UP主! 多年科研图像处理从业经验。 邮箱:[email protected]. 这一期讲讲ImageJ非常实用的FRAP分析,希望对大家有所帮助。有问题可以私信,或发送邮件至[email protected]咨询服务也可以邮箱联系,谢谢支持!, 视频播放量 2147、弹 …
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)
In FRAP, a specific area of a cell or tissue is photobleached by intense laser light, removing fluorescence from this area. This area is typically a cell membrane or area where diffusion …
Protocol for single-molecule fluorescence recovery after …
Single-molecule fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (smFRAP) is a newly developed technique that combines single-molecule super-resolution microscopy and traditional FRAP microscopy. smFRAP enables researchers to measure the dynamics, spatial ...
FRAP can be used qualitatively to identify whether a particular molecule is turning over, thereby undergo-ing exchange with its environment, by basic analysis of the recovery curve. It allows the determination of: 1 the half-time of recovery (t 1/2), and 2 the mobile (M) and immobile (1-M) fractions (Figure 4).
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simFRAP allows computation of diffusion coefficients regardless of bleaching geometry used in the FRAP series. The method is based on fitting a computer-simulated recovery to actual recovery data of a FRAP series.
光脱色荧光恢复技术 - 百度百科
光脱色荧光恢复技术(fluorescence recovery after photobleaching FRAP) 。 首先用荧光物质标记膜蛋白或膜脂,然后用激光照射某一区域,被照射区域荧光淬灭变暗,最后由于细胞膜的流动性,亮度逐渐恢复。
Universal Approach to FRAP Analysis of Arbitrary Bleaching Patterns
2015年6月25日 · We show that the algorithm is able to calculate the absolute value of diffusion coefficients for arbitrary bleaching geometries, including exaggeratedly large ones. It is provided freely as an...
FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)
2024年8月22日 · Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), also known as fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching, is a microscopy-based technique for tracking the movement of fluorescent molecules over time. When FRAP was first described in 1976, Axelrod et al. primarily focused on monitoring the lateral transport of lipids in the cell ...
ZEISS Microscopy Online Campus | FRAP References
A systematic analysis of FRAP measurements using highly defined model systems in confocal microscopy. Discussed are the theoretical basis of FRAP, evaluation of spatially resolved data, diffusion coefficient estimates, and experimental protocols.
FRAP analysis Measuring biophysical kinetic parameters using …
2025年2月7日 · Our study on FRAP experiments with blastoderm-stage Drosophila embryos has yielded a robust image analysis pipeline for nuclear segmentation and tracking, demonstrating high adaptability and accuracy across varying conditions. This pipeline, crucial for identifying fluorescence recovery in bleached nuclei, employs a points registration ...