SCP-423 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · SCP-423 is able to enter textual narratives, inserting itself as a minor character. The details of the character vary from story to story, but it is always named "Fred," or something similar, and its role in the story is usually minor.
SCP-423「自插入角色」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的角色之一。 智能性元虚构构造体,能够进入并探索叙事。 其能将自身插入于文本之中,并以此收容超形上学类元叙事异常。 现以研究员Fred的身份在基金会工作。
至高神性 (Supreme Divine)是网络共笔怪谈文学《SCP基金会》系列中的术语,一般指拥有神性且位格较高的强大实体,是比“神性”更加高等的存在。
SCP-423 (FRED(SCP-423)):設定,特殊收容措施,描述,附錄,附錄_ …
SCP-423「自插入角色」是網路共筆怪談體系《SCP基金會》中的角色之一。 智慧型性元虛構構造體,能夠進入並探索敘事。 其能將自身插入於文本之中,並以此收容超形上學類元敘事異常。 現以研究員 Fred 的身份在基金會工作。 SCP-423應被收容於有著3個2m x 3m的書架的5m x 5m房間裡。 在其附近應配備一個焚化爐。 所有進入或譽備凝促離開這個房間的人都應被搜查以檢查是否攜帶了書面材料。 所有攜帶的書寫材料都應被檢查是否有SCP-423的痕跡,並且如果沒有, …
SCP-423 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Fred, classified by the SCP Foundation as SCP-423, and nicknamed "Self-Inserting Character" is a sapient metafictional construct that can enter narratives with characters, like books, biographies, and in rare cases, Foundation research notes, that appear as a …
Experiment Log 423 A - SCP Foundation
2025年3月7日 · Results: SCP-423 appeared as an Asha'man named Fred, suffering from various mental disorders due to his connection to the One Power. Fred's connection to the One Power drove him irretrievably insane towards the end of the book, though other characters were unable to gentle or kill him before he escaped via Traveling to the Land of Madmen. 2
SCP-#### - SCP Foundation
2024年8月4日 · Despite the fact that all SCP-####-1 were formerly human, it's still hard to interact with them in earnest. 18 SCP-#### was discovered in the home of a guy named Fred Johnson after reports of crying in his house.
吕墨菲设定揭秘:能否爆砖及相关文章分享 - 百度贴吧
2024年5月27日 · Thaum博士是负责SCP-3143的超形上学成员,而Tuttle先生……“作者为了Thaum在剧情中被开除创作出来的角色”其实是FRED(SCP-423)。 二人暂时打破了叙事,然后就是一堆吐槽啥的。 (说实话我有点没看懂,可惜这篇文章没几个人看,甚至连一条讨论都没有)最后提到SCP-2747(七角噬元神)可能可以干掉吕墨菲。 当然,最后的“演职人员表”说明这一切都在吕墨菲的干涉下。 和SCP-423/Fred类似,可以修改故事,只不过Fred是让自己作为无 …
SCP-423 | Alt Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-423 is able to enter textual narratives, inserting itself as a minor character. The details of the character vary from story to story, but it is always named "Fred," or something similar, and its role in...
SCP-423 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
The narrative of the book will change to include SCP-423, or "Fred". It is not known what would happen if SCP-423 were to die in a narrative, as it seems to show apt ability to avoid this outcome. SCP-423 does seem to be intelligent, as when placed in a journal, it will respond to questions written within.