Free and open source medical software - FreeMedForms
FreeMedForms EMR is an electronic health/medical records management software. With its high modularity, FreeMedForms EMR is a powerful and highly adaptable software for all needs. It can be used to manage medical records of different medical specialties, para-medical specialties or even veterinary professionals.
Medi-Cal - Covered California
Depending upon your income, you can get free or low-cost health care through Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal also offers free or affordable programs to start pregnancy coverage right away. Once you apply for the type of coverage you need with Covered California, you will find out if you are eligible and how the coverage program applies to you.
Free-med, votre partenaire de choix
Découvrez sur Free-Med une offre complète de matériel et accessoires d’imagerie médicale adaptés aux besoins des professionnels de santé. Que vous soyez radiologue, cardiologue, gynécologue ou échographiste, nous vous proposons des équipements performants, conformes aux normes médicales, pour l’impression, la diffusion et le ...
These Universities Offer Free Medical School - BestColleges
2024年7月12日 · Here are eight medical schools where students can earn a tuition-free medical degree. A medical school degree often costs students upwards of $150,000. In 2022, the median medical student’s debt was $200,000. Some college programs make earning an MD more affordable through scholarships.
Oxford Medical Education - Free Online Medical Education
Free online open access medical education for Doctors and Medical Students. All content peer reviewed by MRCP or MRCS affiliated doctors.
FreeMED download | SourceForge.net
2013年4月11日 · Download FreeMED for free. GPL-licensed Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management system for medical providers that runs in any web browser in multiple languages. It provides an XML-RPC backend and multiple import and export formats, as well as reporting and other features
GitHub - freemed/freemed: FreeMED Electronic Medical Record …
FreeMED Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management System Copyright (C) 1999-2024 FreeMED Software Foundation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or …
FreeMED Software Foundation
FreeMED is an opensource electronic medical record and practice management system which has been developed since 1999. It was developed under the GPL, and remains free and open for all to modify and use.
Search MEDLINE: PubMed and Internet Grateful Med
1999年4月22日 · Provides free access to MEDLINE, AIDSLINE, AIDSDRUGS, AIDSTRIALS, BIOETHICSLINE, ChemID, DIRLINE, HealthSTAR, HISTLINE, HSRPROJ, OLDMEDLINE, POPLINE, SDILINE, SPACELINE, and TOXLINE. Effective September 1998 searches MEDLINE via PubMed's retrieval system. Sets of related articles pre-computed for each article cited in …
FreeMED.org :: FreeMED Project
2004年3月26日 · jeff "FreeMED 0.7.0 Beta 4 was released on Monday, May 3, 2004. It is the fourth in a series of beta releases in preparation for the final 0.7.0 release. This release consists mostly of packaging fixes and user contributed bugfixes, as well as more specialized reports.