2013年6月30日 · FreeMat is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source.
FreeMat - Download - SourceForge
The following links point to the latest version of FreeMat. For older versions (or a complete list), go to the SourceForge download page. Click to download FreeMat 4.0 for Windows; Click to download FreeMat 4.0 for Mac OS X 10.4; Click to download FreeMat 4.0 for Fedora Core 7 Linux; Click to download FreeMat 4.0 Manual in PDF
FreeMat - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FreeMat是一个自由 开源的数值计算环境和编程语言,类似于MATLAB和GNU Octave。 同时支持许多 MATLAB 函数和一些 IDL 功能。 FreeMat由 萨米特·巴苏 (Samit Basu)开发,它提供了一个扩展 C , C++ 和 Fortran 代码的少代码界面,以及 并行分布算法开发 (通过 MPI ),并具有 ...
FreeMat - Wikipedia
FreeMat is a free open-source numerical computing environment and programming language, [1] similar to MATLAB and GNU Octave. [2] In addition to supporting many MATLAB functions and some IDL functionality, it features a codeless interface to external C , C++ , and Fortran code, further parallel distributed algorithm development (via MPI ), and ...
freemat - 百度百科
FreeMat是一款发布于GPL协议下的开源跨平台科学计算软件,功能上类似于Mathworks公司的Matlab及Research Systems公司的IDL这些商业软件。 与Matlab、Octave等都具有较好的兼容性。
GitHub - ewail/FreeMat: Freemat is an interpreted, matrix …
Freemat is an interpreted, matrix-oriented development environment for engineering and scientific applications, similar to the commercial package MATLAB. Freemat provides visualization, image manipulation, and plotting as well as parallel programming.(src:https://sourceforge.net/projects/freemat/)
FreeMat download | SourceForge.net
2017年7月26日 · Freemat is an interpreted, matrix-oriented development environment for engineering and scientific applications, similar to the commercial package MATLAB. Freemat provides visualization, image manipulation, and plotting as well as parallel programming.
2025年2月24日 · FreeMat是一款类似于MATLAB的开源高性能数值计算环境,它为工程师、科学家以及学生提供了一个强大的工具来执行数学建模和数据分析。本文首先介绍了FreeMat的基本概念、安装过程和基础操作,包括矩阵与数组操作、图形...
FreeMat:与Octave有何不同? matlab - Dev59
简而言之,GNU Octave和FreeMat都是MATLAB的开源替代品。然而,Octave更加成熟且拥有更广泛的社区支持。 我还发现了这篇有趣的文章,它比较了MATLAB、Octave、FreeMat和SciLab。它指出了一些反对FreeMat的问题: 它不支持一些函数(例如kron和pcg)。
FreeMat:轻量级开源科学计算工具的实践探索 - Baidu
FreeMat,一款基于GPL协议的开源跨平台科学计算软件,其功能强大且体积小巧,特别适用于学生群体和需要高效数据处理的用户。 本文将详细解析FreeMat的特点、优势,以及在实际应用中的操作经验。