Organisation armée secrète - Wikipedia
The Organisation armée secrète (OAS, "Secret Army Organisation") was a far-right [2][3][4] dissident French paramilitary and terrorist organisation during the Algerian War, founded in 1961 by Raoul Salan, Pierre Lagaillarde and Jean-Jacques Susini.
Secret Army Organization | Algerian-French history | Britannica
…Organisation de l’Armée Secrète (OAS; Secret Army Organization), in a campaign of terror against the government of Charles de Gaulle in both France and Algeria before being captured, tried, and imprisoned. Read More; opposition to de Gaulle
图忆|法国秘密军组织:以恐怖对恐怖,几次暗杀戴高乐都失败_快 …
2016年1月17日 · 在阿尔及利亚战争中,恐怖组织法国秘密军(oas)数次暗杀戴高乐,但oas分子的枪法并不准,凭借司机高超的技巧,戴高乐和夫人甚至他们车上携带的活鸡都毫发无损。
The Forgotten Terrorist Organization, the OAS - History and …
On June 7, 1962, a right wing French Nationalist terror group, the Organisation Armée Secrète, usually referred to as the OAS, set fire to and burned the library at the University of Algiers in Algeria, destroying half a million books.
Algeria: New book provides chilling details of French secret ...
2021年11月16日 · A former member of the Organisation Armée Secrète (OAS), a French dissident paramilitary group chiefly active in the early 1960s before disbanding a few years later, offers an insider’s account of several of OAS’s covert operations in Algeria.
French far right’s fight to keep Algeria - Le Monde diplomatique
In the early 1960s France’s far right showed its readiness to use violence and assassination to keep Algeria a part of France. It failed. Many of its crimes were forgiven and then quietly forgotten. T he Organisation Armée Secrète (Secret Armed Organisation, OAS) left a deep mark on the final phase of Algeria’s independence struggle.
L’OAS, Organisation armée secrète, par Sylvie Thénault
2005年6月14日 · L’OAS mobilise les Français d’Algérie par ses mots d’ordre, comme, le 23 septembre 1961, lorsqu’il leur est demandé de manifester bruyamment en tapant sur des casseroles. À ces démonstrations populaires s’ajoute une irruption dans l’espace public par des tracts, une presse clandestine – Appel de la France, Journal de l’OAS ...
Secret Army Organization - AcademiaLab
The so-called Organisation of the Secret Army (OAS) (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète in French) was a French terrorist organization extreme right led by General Raoul Salan, born in 1961 after the attempted coup carried out by Maurice Challe, André Zeller and Edmond Jouhaud.
The French State, French Algeria, and the OAS | SpringerLink
2017年6月17日 · This chapter will sketch the development of the French state and its responses to the violence of the OAS, or Secret Army Organisation during 1961 and 1962, against the backdrop of the Algerian War of Independence and the eventual French withdrawal from Algeria.
Organisation de l'armée secrète | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS — or Organisation armée secrète, lit. "Organisation of the Secret Army" or "Secret Armed Organisation") was a short-lived, French dissident paramilitary organisation during the Algerian War (1954–62). The OAS …