Freybug - Wikipedia
Freybug is a monstrous Black Dog that is stated to come from medieval English folklore, specifically from Norfolk. Like most supernatural black dogs, it was roughly the size of a calf, and wandered country roads terrifying travelers.
Obscure Modern Monsters: The Freybug - A Book of Creatures
2018年1月6日 · "The Freybug isn't a modern monster, even if it's obscure. It's the Norfolk black dog. It got itself a starring role in William O'Connor's Dracopedia series (which you should review) and even got name-checked as a Hound in Final Fantasy (pictured).
Freybug - Gods and Monsters
In a land filled with legends and myth, the Freybug has a unique role: it is often seen as a portent of doom or death. Should you encounter this behemoth while walking alone at night, superstition suggests that you or someone close to you will soon meet their end.
Black dog | ghostly dogs with glowing eyes in European folklore
2019年9月16日 · Freybug is a monstrous Black Dog that is stated to come from medieval English folklore, specifically from Norfolk. Like most supernatural black dogs, it was roughly the size of a calf, and wandered country roads terrifying travelers.
Freybug | Facts, Information, and Mythology - Encyclopedia Mythica
2006年9月1日 · Freybug. A type of monstrous black dog that patrolled the country lanes at night and terrified late travelers. It is mentioned in a document dating from 1555.
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Fact-checking the Freybug - Writing in Margins
2018年5月14日 · Widespread through English folklore are black dogs and hellhounds: ghostly presences which terrify people and are portents of death. You have your Grims, your Padfoots, your Black Shucks, and your Freybugs, along with many others. The Freybug, the black dog of Norfolk, has featured in the video game Final Fantasy and in the Dracopedia series.
Practical Folklorist: The Freybug
2021年12月27日 · It’s very name–“frey”–invokes the fear it casts on those who see it roaming in the bogs of Norfolk. Its shape moves in the fog and along the roads, appearing sometimes as a gigantic black dog, other times as a human figure just out of sight, perhaps mistaken for a harmless scarecrow standing guard in a field.
Freybug - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Freybug is a monstrous Black Dog from medieval English folklore, specifically from Norfolk. Like most supernatural black dogs, it was roughly the size of a calf, and wandered country roads terrifying travelers.
Freybug by Mythologysleuth on DeviantArt
2023年4月2日 · Freybug is a monstrous Black Dog that is stated to come from medieval English folklore, specifically from Norfolk. Like most supernatural black dogs, it was roughly the size of a calf, and wandered country roads terrifying travelers. The English martyr Laurence Saunders mentioned Fray-bugs in his letters to his wife in 1555.