A brief overview of Frings
Frings is a German company with its own engineering, manufacturing and laboratory services and supplies fermenters, also called bioreactors, filters and other plant technology for bioprocessing. Laboratory plants, pilot plants and production scale plants are developed and marketed.
FRINGS Contact and FRINGS International
As early as 1970, FRINGS developed the submerged aerator, a highly efficient aeration unit for aerobic wastewater treatment. With the market launch 50 years ago and with more than 12,000 submersible aerators sold in the meantime, FRINGS has established itself in the environmental technology market worldwide.
The history of Frings since it was founded in 1878
FRINGS was founded in 1878 by the entrepreneur Heinrich Frings as a production company for vinegar products in Aachen. However, the company quickly transformed into a technology company that supplied the entire industry with innovative production equipment and consumables.
FRINGS® Dental Extraction Forceps with Springs | TBS Dental …
FRINGS forceps feature a revolutionary patented spring-driven “auto-retractable” design that entirely replaces the need to open extraction forceps with your fingers while maintaining an uncomfortable grip through extraction. All FRINGS feature tapered, serrated, and beveled beaks for an optimal grip on the tooth to minimize tooth fracture.
Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home | Tipp City OH funeral home and …
We provide individualized funeral services designed to meet the needs of each family. Our staff of dedicated professionals is available to assist you in making funeral service arrangements. From casket choices to funeral flowers, we will guide you through all aspects of the funeral service.
All Obituaries | Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home | Tipp City OH …
All Obituaries - Frings & Bayliff Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Tipp City, OH and the surrounding communities. We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers.
Frings China
福林斯(徐州)贸易有限公司于2001年3月成立,是德国海因里希·福林斯有限公司(Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co. KG)在华唯 一全资子公司。 我们为食品加工,生物技术,环境技术,化工以及制药等行业提供交钥匙工程,机械设备部件和服务。
托尔斯滕·弗林斯 - 百度百科
托尔斯滕·弗林斯(Torsten Frings),1976年11月22日出生于德国维尔瑟伦,德国前男子职业足球运动员、教练员,球员时代司职后腰/中前卫/右边前卫。 弗林斯出身于亚琛足球俱乐部青训营。
Frings China | Home
Frings (Xuzhou) Trade Co., Ltd.专业提供、相关产品和服务。是行业中很有实力的品牌销售和服务机构。业务咨询:0516 8373 7406
Frings (Xuzhou) Trade Co., Ltd. - Frings China
Frings (Xuzhou) Trade Co.,Ltd., founded in Jan.2001, is the exclusive Chinese subsidiary of Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co. KG,Germany. We supply turn-key plants,plant units, services