Frogmouth - Wikipedia
The frogmouths (Podargidae) are a group of nocturnal birds related to owlet-nightjars, swifts, and hummingbirds. Species in the group are distributed in the Indomalayan and Australasian …
Tawny frogmouth - Wikipedia
The tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) is a species of frogmouth native to the Australian mainland and Tasmania and found throughout. It is a big-headed, stocky bird often mistaken …
Tawny frogmouths: 5 things you may not know about these masters …
2018年5月16日 · Masters of disguise, with the deadliest of stares, the tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) is one of Australia’s most beloved birds. But because they’re most active at night, …
Meet the Frogmouth, Australia’s Weirdest Bird - Cool Green Science
2020年5月4日 · Tawny frogmouths are found throughout Australia in almost all habitat types, from the red and arid outback to suburban backyards. They’re rather large birds, about the size of a …
茶色蟆口鴟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
茶色蟆口鴟(英文: Tawny frogmouth ,学名: Podargus strigoides ),又名褐蟆口鴟、茶色蛙口鷹、茶色夜鶯或茶色夜鷹,是一種蟆口鴟,主要分佈在澳大利亚大陆、塔斯曼尼亞岛及新畿 …
Frogmouth | Nocturnal, Soft-plumaged, Insectivorous | Britannica
frogmouth, (family Podargidae), any of numerous birds, comprising the family Podargidae in the order Caprimulgiformes, named for their characteristic broad, froglike gape. Frogmouths …
Tawny Frogmouth - eBird
Australia’s most familiar nocturnal bird. Note bright yellow eye and very large ‘frog-like’ bill with whiskers above only slightly banded. A master of camouflage, its shaggy plumage blends in …
Large Frogmouth - eBird
Sizeable nightbird with deep black eyes and wispy pale whiskers above its eyes that give it the appearance of a distinguished professor. Warm, pale, brown overall with bright white spots on …
Blyth's Frogmouth - eBird
Cryptic, uncommon nightbird of lowland and lower foothill forests (to 800 meters). Males show extensive barring on wings, whitish lower belly, and irregular white blotches on the breast. …
茶色蟆口鸱 - 新加坡飞禽公园 - Mandai
茶色蟆口鸱可是一个伪装大师,它有着类似于树皮的隐秘的羽毛,在树枝上休憩时,它会把宽大的头部向上倾斜,冻结所有动作,近乎完美地模仿断裂树枝的效果。 很多时候,一对茶色蟆口 …