Connection problems? Check here first! - Gnutella
2011年11月12日 · Why does my connection go from - FrostWire Community Forums: This thread: Refback: September 27th, 2015 04:31 PM: Replacement of gnutella.net file for Frostwire 4 - …
FrostWire - Gnutella
To aid helpers in solving download/upload problems, LimeWire and Frostwire users must specify whether they are downloading a torrent file or a file from the Gnutella network. Members need …
Frostwire wont install - Gnutella
2022年8月13日 · I've tried FrostWire 4.21.4 and 4.21.7 and File_Girl's FrostWire 4.21.3 and all run fine with the patch. FrostWire 4.18.6 failed for same reason as 4.20. At this point I am not …
FrostWire Skin Collection Installer! - Gnutella
2013年9月18日 · Here is the FrostWire skin collection installer which install 15 nice FrostWire skin for the version 4.18.0 and up, so fare for Windows only!!! FrostWire skin collection installer is …
Fatal Error on Startup - Gnutella
2006年1月8日 · FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" . FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella Network is …
how do i change frostwire form showing only mp3 to just mp4s
2011年3月17日 · To aid helpers in solving download/upload problems, LimeWire and Frostwire users must specify whether they are downloading a torrent file or a file from the Gnutella …
Transfer window - gnutellaforums.com
2015年4月15日 · In your FrostWire downloads folder should be a torrent folder. Do you see .tor or .torrent files inside? (File extensions might be set to be hidden on your OS.) If yes and if FW is …
frostwire 4 not connecting - Gnutella
2017年11月20日 · To aid helpers in solving download/upload problems, LimeWire and Frostwire users must specify whether they are downloading a torrent file or a file from the Gnutella …
Most common FW problems and solutions - gnutellaforums.com
2007年5月5日 · Problem 1: FrostWire doesn't download file upon double clicking on a search result. Workaround: Go in the menu Options-> (Preferences on os x), select any panel and …
Frostwire FrostWire 4.17.2 Java Problem - gnutellaforums.com
2019年4月21日 · FrostWire General forum section for FrostWire users; Download "FrostWire Clean version 4" .FrostWire v.5 which only uses bittorrents and no longer uses Gnutella …