Philips HeartStart FRx AED Aviation Value Package ... - AED …
Philips AVIATION HeartStart FRx - Aviation battery, adult electrode pads, quick reference card. SMART Pads II Defibrillation Electrode Pads - Keep an extra set on hand, just in case. …
半自动体外心脏除颤(AED) HeartStart FRx | 飞利浦医疗科技
HeartStart FRx 除颤器(Defibrillator)具有先进的健康指导(Life Guidance)功能,能够帮助对突发心脏骤停的治疗。 HeartStart FRx 产品设置简单,提示语音清晰,外形结实,维护需求低, …
自动体外除颤训练机 HeartStart FRx| 飞利浦医疗官网 | Philips
HeartStart Frx 除颤器通过简单、逐步的语音指令、清晰可闻的节拍器和心肺复苏培训,实时指导疑似心脏骤停的治疗。 HeartStart FRx 启动方便,提示语音清晰、外形结实,其设计适用于 …
Philips HeartStart FRx AED Review - The AED Guy
The Philips Heartstart FRx AED is the go-to choice for trained or minimally trained users, including school nurses, medical professionals, EMS, Fire and police. Consider the following points:
HeartStart FRx - Philips
Lightweight, rugged and reliable, the Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator can withstand rough handling, extreme temperatures, and dusty or wet surfaces. Designed for use in harsh …
The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator was designed to be as easy to use as the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator and shares many of its features, including CPR Coaching and intuitive icon-driven …
HeartStart FRx Automated external defibrillator - Philips
Lightweight, rugged and reliable, the Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator can withstand rough handling, extreme temperatures, and dusty or wet surfaces. Designed for use in harsh …
Philips HeartStart FRx External Defibrillator - American AED
Lightweight, rugged and reliable, the Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator can withstand rough handling, extreme temperatures, and dusty or wet surfaces. Designed for use in harsh …
Philips HeartStart FRx 除颤器 861304(下称 “FRx”)是一款自动体外除颤器 (AED)。 它体积小、重量轻、耐用且节能,即使是只经过简单培训的用户也可以轻松、可靠地操作它。 FRx 可以根据 …
* Refer to the HeartStart FRx Defibrillator Owner’s Manual for detailed product instructions. All specifications based on 25° C unless otherwise noted. The defibrillator and its accessories are …