Frequency-Temporal Attention Network for Remote Sensing
2024年10月10日 · The seamless integration of MCFA and IAM empowers the FTAN network with enhanced capabilities to detect minor regions and edges accurately. Experiments on datasets like LEVIR-CD and DSIFN-CD demonstrate superior performance by outperforming existing models in F1 scores and IoU metrics.
FTAN方法(根据Bensen et al.,2007整理) - 知乎专栏
FTAN (frequency-time analysis)是一种由两个台站之间互相关函数求出群、相速度频散的方法。 群到时 \tau (\omega_ {0}) 是高斯滤波器的中心频率(由 包络函数 的峰值确定中心频率)的函数,使得群速度 U (\omega_ {0})=r/\tau (\omega_ {0}) ,其中r为站间距。 定义 瞬时频率 为Analitic signal在时间τ时的相位变化的速率,使用瞬时频率代替中心频率。 \phi_ {a}=2\pi N,N=0,\pm1,\pm2..... 对于噪声互相关来说 \phi_ {a}=2\pi N-\pi/4,N=0,\pm1,\pm2.....
Ftan - Wikipedia
Ftan is a former municipality in the district of Inn in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. On 1 January 2015 the former municipalities of Ardez, Guarda, Tarasp, Ftan and Sent merged into the municipality of Scuol.
GitHub - pengyibodehomepage/FTAN_Python
此软件基于Python实现了时频分析(FTAN)方法,通过互相关函数能够 求出台站对之间的频散曲线.无需安装,通过运行ftan.py即可进行计算.
Frequency-Time ANalysis (FTAN) in python - GitHub
Frequency-Time ANalysis (FTAN) in python. Here we compute compute group speeds using FTAN as carried out in my 2020 thesis, Multi-Component Ambient Noise Tomography of the Auckland Volcanic Field. To test it out, run the run.py script. Requirements python 3, obspy, matplotlib.pyplot, csv, and numpy. Frequency-Time ANalysis (FTAN) in python.
NoiseCIEI/AFTAN - GitHub
functions. Based on this set, it is possible to write separate programs or imbed into existing software, which is required FTAN analysis. The atan-1.1 package offers two programs written on C and FORTRAN language, that used as testing programs, and might be used on constant base to permorm automatic FTAN analysys for the huge
【电子读书笔记】Bensen et al. 2007 用噪声获得面波频散 - 哔哩哔哩
频散测量:FTAN;增加phase-matched filtering→帮助改善存在相邻的污染信号的情形,不能用于窄带波形;准则SNR>10,站间距大于三倍波长;相位确定问题
面波频散测量的频时分析法 - 百度文库
面波频散测量的频时分析法-总结了面波频时分析 (FTAN)的主要成果,如移动窗分析法、多重滤波法、残差频散测量法、时间变量滤波法,力图阐述各方法间的联系。
ftheta畸变与ftan畸变的应用与控制 - ZEMAX - 吾爱光设 - Powered …
2023年3月23日 · 对于视场小于90°的系统,应查看F-tan畸变,因为此时视场与像高成y'=ftanw的关系(非线性)。 对于校正F-theta畸变可用DISC进行控制,此操作数对F-theta畸变的优化也同样有效。 需注意的是,对于大视场系统,在优化初步应对畸变进行控制并时常查看相对照度,当相对照度快低于要求时,用RELI OPGT进行控制。 此外在鱼眼镜头中应引入大量负畸变以实现像高与视场成线性的关系。 此外,系统畸变图中的畸变值是用相对畸变进行计算得出的,q= (yz' …
<br>用于遥感影像变化检测的频时注意力网络,IEEE Geoscience …
为了应对上述挑战,这封信提出了一种创新的 CD 频时注意力网络 (FTAN),它包含两个高级模块,包括多维卷积频率注意力模块 (MCFA) 和交互式注意力模块 (IAM)。
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