FT/IR 4700 Spectrometer by Jasco #7084-J004A - Laboratory …
Compact 4700 Spectrometer designed for mid IR-measurement in routine applications; 45º Michelson sealed interferometer with corner-cube mirror, auto-alignment and DSP control • Includes: Spectra Manager Suite software, Peltier DLATGS detector ; Resolution Setting: 0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0 cm
フーリエ変換赤外分光光度計 ラインナップ | 日本分光株式会社
FT-IR光谱仪 - FTIR-4700 - JASCO Europe - 用于制药 / 食品工业 /
在 FTIR-4700LE 上,可以轻松连接红外显微镜,包括紧凑型 IRT-1000 样品室 IR-显微镜。 可以访问原始光谱和光谱与去除二氧化碳和水分,以便对所获得的数据进行全面评估。 由于电源管理系统使 CLS 保持低电平电源,从而延长光学元件的使用寿命,使干涉仪免受潮湿,因此采用密封结构,实现了最高的热稳定性。 IQ 附件功能,用于自动识别插入样品室的任何附件。 跨平台软件包 Spectra Manager II,用于控制 JASCO 光谱仪器,可在现场升级到 CFR 版本。 此为机器翻译 …
FT/IR-4X FTIR spectrometer | JASCO
The FT/IR-4X is a powerful Mid-IR FTIR spectrometer with many features that you find in a research grade instrument, such as non-hygroscopic KRS-5 windows to prevent damage to the interferometer, a temperature controlled DLaTGS detector, and a high output ceramic source for maximum sensitivity.
The NEW FT/IR-4000 and 6000 Series FT-IR Spectrometers provide capabilities from education and routine analysis to high-end research applications, featuring high quality, performance and reliability. They are also designed with flexibility and expandability in mind to meet with a wide range of expanding application requirements. FT/IR-4000 Series
FT/IR-4600/4700 Spectrometers • Excellent signal-to-noise ratio • Large sample compartment • One-click auto-alignment optics • Long lifetime ceramic source • High sensitivity thermally stabilized DLaTGS detector • Automatic validation (standard) • IQ accessory recognition • Configurable for near- and far-IR applications
フーリエ変換赤外分光光度計 仕様 | 日本分光株式会社
フーリエ変換赤外分光光度計FT/IR-4000、6000シリーズの仕様の紹介のページです。 それぞれ最高分解や感度等が異なっていますので、使用する目的に応じて適切な装置をお選びください。
ft/ir-6x 和8x 是高级型号的ftir。具备高s/n,高分辨率等优异的基本性能。另外还支持测量波数的扩展和真空测量。通过用干涉仪更换光源、分束器、窗板、检测器,可将测量波数扩展到25000 ~ 20 cm-1 ,该干涉仪为坚固的光学基座保护光学系统提供稳定的高精度数据。
Turn on FTIR (ON/OFF switch on top of the instrument). Wait for 3 characteristics beeps from the instrument. Double-click “Spectra Manager” icon on a desktop. Double click on Spectra Measurement. Sometimes it is worth to clean the ATR crystal before your measurments since the previous user may fail to do the proper job.
FT-IR spectrometer FTIR-4700 - DirectIndustry
Find out all of the information about the JASCO Europe product: FT-IR spectrometer FTIR-4700. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.