为什么你胖?肥胖相关基因(FTO)惹的祸 - 知乎
为了进一步研究小鼠肝脏中FTO如何调控G6PC的表达,研究者通过 腺病毒 整合G6PC启动子荧光素酶报告系统来观察小鼠肝脏荧光成像。 肝脏条件性敲除FTO或FOXO1,以及喂食恩他卡朋的小鼠都呈现出G6PC信号减弱的特征。 野生型 FTO能回补G6PC荧光信号而m6A去甲基化关键氨基酸突变的FTO则不能成功回补,证实了FTO-FOXO1-G6PC通路在肝脏中调控血糖变化的机制。 研究者还发现,恩他卡朋引起小鼠 腹股沟 白色脂肪组织(iWAT)产热增加的分子机制也同样是由 …
Identification of entacapone as a chemical inhibitor of FTO …
We observed that Fto deficiency in mice caused by specific Fto knockout in the liver, expression of a catalytically dead FTO mutant (R96A), or inhibition of Fto activity by entacapone led to a reduction in the G6pc luciferase signal.
Sci Transl Med:揭示肥胖相关基因FTO调控能量代谢新机制 …
为了进一步研究小鼠肝脏中FTO如何调控G6PC的表达,研究者通过腺病毒整合G6PC启动子荧光素酶报告系统来观察小鼠肝脏荧光成像。 肝脏条件性敲除FTO或FOXO1,以及喂食恩他卡朋的小鼠都呈现出G6PC信号减弱的特征。 野生型FTO能回补G6PC荧光信号而m6A去甲基化关键氨基酸突变的FTO则不能成功回补,证实了FTO-FOXO1-G6PC通路在肝脏中调控血糖变化的机制。 研究者还发现,恩他卡朋引起小鼠腹股沟白色脂肪组织(iWAT)产热增加的分子机制也同样是由 …
2019年4月17日 · 为了进一步研究小鼠肝脏中FTO如何调控G6PC的表达,研究者通过腺病毒整合G6PC 启动子荧光素酶报告系统来观察小鼠肝脏荧光成像。 肝脏条件性敲除FTO或FOXO1,以及喂食恩他卡朋的小鼠都呈现出G6PC信号减弱的特征。 野生型FTO能回补G6PC荧光信号而m6A去甲基化关键氨基酸突变的FTO则不能成功回补,证实了FTO-FOXO1-G6PC通路在肝脏中调控血糖变化的机制。 研究者还发现,恩他卡朋引起小鼠腹股沟白色脂肪组织(iWAT)产热增加的分 …
Fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene regulates gluconeogenesis …
2015年1月1日 · ChIP analysis revealed significantly higher (P < 0.05) binding of C/EBP-beta and phospho-CREB1 to G6PC gene promoter in FTO + cells. In addition, the interaction of FTO and C/EBP-beta was significantly enhanced (P < 0.05) in FTO + cells. Opposite changes in G6PC expression and regulation were observed in FTO − cells. Our results indicate that ...
Insights into the role of RNA m
2024年7月1日 · Studies have shown that FTO regulates mitochondrial function and the expression of many glucose metabolic genes, including phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-mitochondrial (PEPCK-m) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6PC). 100, 101 Huang et al found that FTO suppresses glycolysis by decreasing the stability of APOE mRNA in …
2020年10月24日 · 已有文献报道这两个基因的转录因子是foxo1,因此他们顺藤摸瓜,通过实验证实fto能够促进foxo1 mrna的去甲基化。由于foxo1在肝脏组织中能促进g6pc表达,在脂肪组织中能够抑制ucp1的表达,因而这种去甲基化在肝脏组织中是促进糖异生、在脂肪组织中是抑制产热的。
Fatmass and obesity associated (FTO) gene regulates ... - PubMed
Our results indicate that chicken FTO regulates gluconeogenesis in DF-1 cells through enhanced transcriptional regulation of G6PC gene by C/EBP-beta and phospho-CREB1. Fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene was found to be associated with energy homeostasis in mammals, yet the function of chicken FTO is less clear.
Studies on the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene and its ...
2023年11月1日 · Forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1), FASN, glucose-6-phosphatase-alpha (G6PC), and diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2) are involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. 145, 146, 147, 148 The transcription factor FOXO1 plays a critical role in the insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling pathway. 149 FASN is known to have a key ...
The Epigenetic Regulation of RNA N6-Methyladenosine …
The results of liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry revealed that high FTO expression in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients accompanied by increased mRNA expression levels of key genes of glucose metabolism (FOXO1, G6PC, and DGAT2) .