Future Today Strategy Group - First in Foresight.
2025年3月3日 · FTSG is a consulting firm specializing in strategic foresight. We help organizations imagine and prepare for what might happen next. Your definitive guide to the future of technology. Which technologies have the most disruptive potential and momentum to shape the near future? We identified the trends that matter most.
Full thickness skin graft versus split thickness skin graft in ...
2023年8月1日 · Full thickness skin grafts (FTSG) have lower occurrence of post-graft contracture than split thickness skin grafts (STSG). FTSGs have are associated with less need of surgical release of post-graft contractures. STSGs are associated …
2025年3月13日 · 《2025年科技趋势报告》由未来今日战略集团(FTSG)发布,探讨了2025年多个领域的科技发展趋势,核心观点聚焦于科技创新对各行业的变革性影响,以及企业应如何应对这些变化。 1. 关键科技趋势. - 人工智能:AI发展迅猛,模型不断创新,如大语言模型、大动作模型等。 AI与传感器、生物技术融合形成“生活智能”,推动各行业创新,但也带来安全、伦理和监管等问题 。 - Web3:Web3从侧重投机转向实际应用,在企业区块链、去中心化金融、数字身份 …
Full-Thickness Skin Grafts - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月24日 · Full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs) consist of complete epidermis and dermis, whereas partial-thickness skin grafts (PTSG) include the entire epidermis and only partial dermis.
愛美醫學院:醫美。整形外科。孫一峰醫師: 植皮手術( 三 )植皮的 …
一般來說,STSG是用機器取下的。 通常是利用大腿內外側作為供皮區。 但是倘若大腿區有傷口,則也可以利用背部、腹部,甚至以頭皮當作供皮區 ( 全身大面積燒傷的病人,常常只剩頭皮還是完好的,所以會拿頭皮當供皮區 )。 1. 決定取皮區以及適當的面積大小。 2. 將生理食鹽水 (normal saline,可加入適量的Bosmin當作止血劑)注入取皮區的皮下組織。 作用為hydro-dissection及避免出血。 3. 用取皮機取下皮膚。 4. 倘若傷口面積太大則可使用擴張機。 理論上可將皮膚擴張 …
Meet our Team - Future Today Strategy Group - Future Today …
Meet the team that's shaping tomorrow. FTSG combines a wide breadth of professional experience and deep foresight expertise to help organizations navigate an uncertain future. …
Management of full-thickness skin grafts - PMC
Full-thickness skin grafts are a commonly used reconstructive method following Mohs micrographic surgery. The literature varies on the most appropriate methods of suturing and securing grafts as well as best practices to dress the graft postoperatively.
Amy Webb - Future Today Strategy Group - ftsg.com
Recognized as the global leader in strategic foresight, Amy Webb advises leaders through disruptive change, enabling them to navigate an unpredictable future with confidence and take actions that address global challenges, create sustainable value, and ensure a …
Full-Thickness Skin Grafting in Nasal Reconstruction - PMC
When used appropriately, the full-thickness skin graft (FTSG) makes for a simple and aesthetically acceptable reconstruction option for nasal defects. Defects of the nasal sidewall and dorsum are well suited for FTSG provided that conscientious skin matching and surgical technique are undertaken.
FTSG(Full Thickness Skin Graft)全厚度皮膚移植手術是一種常見的整形外科手術,主要用於修復因燒傷、外傷或其他原因造成的皮膚缺損。 這種手術的特點是移植的皮膚層包括表皮和真皮,這樣可以提供更好的功能和美觀效果。