Five Times Sit to Stand Test | RehabMeasures Database
2013年6月20日 · The Five Times Sit to Stand Test (FTSST) is a quick and easy to administer test of an individuals's ability to transition between sitting and standing five times in a row. Individuals with a balance disorder performed the FTSST slower than controls (Whitney, 2005) and was more sensitive in a younger (< 60 years old) population.
Cut-of scores and normative values may be used in conjunction with a complete evaluation to interpret the meaning of a patient’s 5TSTS score. What Constitutes a Change in 5TSTS Scores? ¡ Change can be determined using values of Minimal Detectable Change (MDC) and Minimal Clinically Important Diference (MCID).
5 Times Sit to Stand Test (FTSST) | APTA
2014年6月2日 · Measures functional lower limb muscle strength and may be useful in quantifying functional change of transitional movements. Cut-Off Scores.
Five Times Sit to Stand Test - Physiopedia
The five Times Sit to Stand Test (5x Sit-To-Stand Test) is commonly abbreviated as 5XSST. It's used to asses functional lower limbs strength, transitional movements, balance, and fall risk in older adults. [1] 5XSST is designed for adults from 18 to 64 years of age and older adults of 65+. This page addresses the test usage among the older adults.
结论:FTSST 作为一个简便、快捷的功能性测试工具可以有效预测老年人跌倒危险,FTSST 鉴别力优于下肢肌力。 关键词 跌倒;5 次坐到站测试;肌力;老年人 中图分类号:R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2012)-10-908-05. 采用 MedCalc 11.5 软件进行统计学分析。 计量 资料用均数±标准差表示。 依次进行下列统计分 析:①通过独立样本 t 检验、χ2检验来分析跌倒组和 非跌倒组在年龄、性别、BMI、身高、体重、FTSST 时间 和最大肌力等测试数据之间的差 …
Clinical Measurement of Sit-to-Stand Performance in People With Balance Disorders: Validity of Data for the Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand Test. Physical Therapy, 85(10), 1034-1045. Provide the following instructions: “I want you to stand up and sit down 5 times as quickly as you can when I …
The 5 Time Sit-to-Stand Test – Mobile Measures
2020年9月4日 · What is the Five Times Sit-to-Stand Test? The sit to stand movement is a fundamental activity of daily life and can provide valuable insight into a patient’s health and functional status. The 5xSTS measures the amount of time it takes for a patient to sit and stand five times in succession with arms folded across their chest.
Self-performed Five Times Sit-To-Stand test at home as (pre
The self-performed FTSTS test at home may indicate the cancer survivors in need of prehabilitation in advance of surgery or intensive treatment. The feasibility, short amount of time needed and potential cost-effectiveness of the self-performed FTSTS test can make it a valuable contribution to perso …
The five times sit-to-stand test: safety, validity and reliability with ...
2022年12月18日 · Our results suggest that the FTSST may be applicable only to high-functioning critical care survivors. In this specifical population, FTSST is a safe, easy to perform, valid and reliable measure that can be applied to fall risk and functional recovery management.
5次坐立试验用于预测老年人跌倒危险的有效性-期刊-万方数据知识 …
目的:探讨5次坐立试验 (FTSST)在预测老年人跌倒危险方面的有效性.方法:137位老年人受试者参与本研究并分为跌倒组和非跌倒组.对受试者进行FTSTS和利用功能性蹲屈测试训练仪来测量下肢肌力.结果:41位受试者在过去一年内发生过跌倒.跌倒组和非跌倒组的受试者在 ...