茯苓, 中药 名。 为 多孔菌科 真菌茯苓Poria cocos (Schw.)Wolf的干燥 菌核。 多于7~9月采挖,挖出后除去 泥沙,堆置“发汗”后,摊开晾至表面干燥,再“发汗”,反复数次至现皱纹、内部 …
Fu Ling - 茯苓 - Poria - Chinese Herbs - American Dragon
This herb is a subterranean fungus that grows in association with the roots of Pinus Longifolis. or Bai Fu Ling which is the white inner part of the fungus, relieves Dampness and tonifies the …
Fu Ling - PharmacopeeChinoise.com
2018年5月3日 · Fú líng est un champignon qui pousse autour des racines des arbres, généralement celles du Pin. De nature Neutre et harmonieuse, elle augmente la diurèse et …
Poria (Fu Ling): Benefits of The Ancient Mushroom Fungus of …
Poria also known as Fu Ling (茯苓) and WolfiPoria Extensa, is a fungal growth that is widely used throughout Asia for its medicinal properties. In China, the fungus is known as fu ling and its …
Wolfiporia extensa - Wikipedia
Wolfiporia extensa (syn. Poria cocos F.A.Wolf), commonly known as hoelen, poria, tuckahoe, China root, fu ling (茯苓, pīnyīn: fúlíng), or matsuhodo, is a fungus in the family Polyporaceae. …
Poria Cocos(Fu ling): What is it, Benefits, Uses, and Risks
2025年1月19日 · Poria cocos, also known as 茯苓 (Fúlíng) in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is a fascinating fungus with a long history of use. This article delves into the world of poria, …
茯苓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
茯苓 (學名: Poria),又称 玉灵 、 茯灵 、 万灵桂 、 茯菟 、 茯苓神 、 伏靈,是 多孔菌科 真菌 茯苓的干燥菌核,常 寄生 在 松树 根 上,形如 甘薯, 球 状,外皮淡棕色或黑褐色,内部 …
Fu Ling (Poria-cocos mushrooms) in Chinese Medicine
Fu Ling is a king ingredient in Wu Pi Yin. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula. In Wu Pi Yin, Fu Ling leaches out Dampness, promotes …
Fu Ling - Poria Mushroom - Chinese Herbal Dictionary
Fu Ling. English Name: poria, hoelon, tuckahoe. Pharmaceutical Name: Poria. Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs. Properties: Fu Ling enters the Heart, Spleen, …
土茯苓 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为百合科植物 光叶菝葜 Smilax glabra Roxb.的 干燥根茎。 夏、秋二季采挖,除去须根,洗净,干燥;或趁鲜切成薄片,干燥。 本品略呈圆柱形,稍扁或呈不规则条块,有结节状隆起, …
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