Fusoya - Final Fantasy Wiki
Fusoya is the final playable character in Final Fantasy IV who also appears in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Lunarian from the Red Moon, and it is his job to watch over the Lunarians' sleep. He is the oldest of the main characters and …
Finding Fusoya Walkthrough (3D Remake) - IGN
2024年12月5日 · A powerful user in both white and black magic, FuSoYa is an awesome (but temporary) addition to your party. Make sure to re-organize your party at this point to have all three mages in the back...
FuSoYa's Niche
Various projects of FuSoYa, many of them SNES ROM hacking related. This includes Lunar Magic (Mario World Level Editor), Sailor Moon Another Story RPG translation, Sailor Moon R translation, Secret of Mana VWF Edition, Secret of Evermore 2 Player Edition, Lunar …
Fusoya ( Final Fantasy IV party member) - Fandom
Fusoya is the last unique party member, introduced near the end of the game. He joins the party at the Crystal Palace and leaves after all events are completed at the Giant of Babil. Fusoya can accompany the party to the Lair of the Father to obtain Bahamut, otherwise his spot in the party will be replaced by Kain. Sprite sheet (PSP).
FuSoYa - Final Fantasy IV Guide - IGN
2012年8月20日 · A Lunarian that resides in the Crystal Palace, FuSoYa is a powerful spell caster who specializes in both White and Black Magic, and is revealed to be something along the lines of...
Fusoya - Final Fantasy Wiki, the Final Fantasy encyclopedia
Fusoya, also formatted FuSoYa, is a Lunarian and a party member in Final Fantasy IV and its sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a resident of the Red Moon. The wisest character of the game, Fusoya knows the true origins of Cecil Harvey, Golbez, the Crystals, and the destruction of their world.
Fusoya ( Opera Omnia ) - Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Fusoya is a playable character representing Final Fantasy IV in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. He can be recruited in Event/Lost Chapter Sage of a Distant Moon. Fusoya is an old man wearing blue and purple robes of varying shades. He has long silver hair and a …
Fusoya - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
Fusoa, or FuSoYa, is a player character in the game Final Fantasy IV. He is a Lunarian from The Moon, and it is his job to watch over the sleep of the Lunarians.
Fusoya | Nintendo | Fandom
Fusoya is the final playable character in Final Fantasy IV who also appears in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Lunarian from the Red Moon, and it is his job to watch over the Lunarians' sleep. He is the oldest of the main characters and reveals significant plot details during the short time he is with the party.
Final Fantasy IV/To The Moon - StrategyWiki
2024年5月15日 · Fusoya is basically a beefed up Tellah, capable of using all White and Black magic, as well as Flare, Holy, and Meteor. Exit the lair, and return through the caves to the Lunar Whale. Before touching the crystal, make sure you are completely prepared for a dungeon. Head back to Hummingway's Abode if you need more healing items.