Buy Frontlines: Fuel of War - Steam
2008年2月27日 · Frontlines™: Fuel of War™ is an open-world First Person Shooter set on the frontlines of tomorrow. In a world ravaged by a global energy crisis, environmental decay, and economic depression, players assume the role of an elite soldier in the Western Coalition Army on an epic crusade against the Red Star Alliance to control the last of...
Frontlines: Fuel of War - Wikipedia
Frontlines: Fuel of War is a first-person shooter game for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360. It was released February 25, 2008, in North America. It was produced by the now defunct Kaos Studios.
前线:战火之源_前线:战火之源中文版下载,MOD,修改器,攻略,汉 …
《前线:战火之源 (Frontlines:Fuel of War)》是由开发《战地风云 1942》著名模组《沙漠风暴》的制作小组所独立研发的一款 FPS 游戏。 制作小组在 THQ 的协助下成立了 Kaos 工作室,并且使用 Unreal 3 引擎来进行开发;基于过去开发模组的经验,加上小组本身理想中游戏所应具备的条件,融合而成了《前线:战火之源》这款游戏。 故事背景源于最近现实世界中的石油危机。 在游戏的设定中,此次石油危机会在数年之后恶化到顶点,并且引发全球性的混乱局势。 为了争夺地 …
前线之战火之源 Frontlines Fuel of War - 游侠网
补丁 | 前线之战火之源(Frontlines Fuel Of War)官方繁体中文汉化包V3版(V3版在V2版基础上精简了补丁体积,使用本汉化包之前请先将英文版游戏升级到V1.02版,否则将无法使用汉化包)(本汉化包根据官方繁体中文版制作,支持中英文双语切换,感谢游侠网及CFB ...
Does natural gas fuel civil war? Rethinking energy security ...
2020年12月1日 · Our findings on the interaction between energy resources, civil war, and outside state intervention reveal the diverse effects of dependence on exported and imported natural gas on potential interveners’ decision to support rebels.
《前线:能源危机》简体中文免安装版 - 3DM下载
2008年7月16日 · 《前线:能源危机》 (Frontlines Fuel of War)是THQ发行于2008年的第一人称射击游戏。 游戏以能源危机为主要内容,讲述了长达20多年的国家关系以及能源争夺。 游戏中 …
Frontlines: Fuel of War - Download
Frontlines: Fuel of War is an open-world first-person shooter game designed for the Windows platform. Set in the future world where a global energy crisis, environmental decay, and economic depression have taken over, the game takes players on an epic crusade against the Red Star Alliance to control the world's last oil reserves.
Frontlines: Fuel of War (Game) - Giant Bomb
2008年2月25日 · Frontlines: Fuel of War takes place in 2024, in a post-'Peak Oil' world with two global superpowers, the Western Coalition (the U.S.A. and the E.U.) and the Red Star Alliance, (Russia and China) battling over the last remaining sources around the Caspian.
Frontlines: Fuel of War (Video Game) - TV Tropes
Frontlines: Fuel Of War is a First-Person Shooter developed by the now-defunt Kaos Studios and published by THQ on February 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PC. Set in the year 2024, after peak oil production.
Frontlines: Fuel of War Reviews - Metacritic
2008年2月25日 · Set in a fictional future based upon the headlines of today, F.O.W. brings players into the world's next great war. As society succumbs to a worldwide energy crisis, a new global depression takes hold.